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*. NEW YEAR 2009 *
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Welcome To my Blog, in this blog you will find all about health, healthy recipes and many more. it's all about health :D
Having diabetes doesn't mean that you have to start eating special foods or follow a complicated diabetes diet plan. For most people, a diabetes diet simply translates into eating a variety of foods in moderate amounts and sticking to regular mealtimes.
This means choosing a diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Consistency also is key, because your body responds to excess calories and fat by creating an undesirable rise in blood sugar. Rather than a restrictive diet, a diabetes diet is a healthy-eating plan that's naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. In fact, it's the best eating plan for everyone.
Your meal plan is an eating guide that helps you:
If you stick to your meal plan and watch your serving sizes, you'll eat about the same amount of carbohydrates and calories every day. This helps control your blood sugar and your weight. On the flip side, the more you vary what you eat - especially the amount of carbohydrates - the harder it is to control your blood sugar.
If you're already eating a variety of healthy foods, you may simply need to adjust portion sizes to keep your blood sugar (glucose) under control.
A dietitian can help
Ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietitian. A visit with a registered dietitian can provide you valuable information on how to change your eating habits and help you meet goals such as:
A dietitian can help tailor your diet based on your health goals, tastes and lifestyle. You may need to follow a more deliberate plan - eating only a recommended number of servings from each food group every day.
A dietitian may recommend using the exchange system, which groups foods into categories - such as starches, fruits, meats and meat substitutes, and fats.
One serving in a group is called an "exchange." An exchange has about the same amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat and calories - and the same effect on your blood sugar - as a serving of every other food in the same group. So, for example, you could exchange - or trade - either of the following for one carbohydrate serving:
Carbohydrate counting can also be a helpful meal-planning tool - making sure your timing and amount of carbohydrates are the same each day - especially if you take diabetes medications or insulin. If you eat more or less carbohydrates than usual at a given meal or from day to day, your blood sugar level may fluctuate more.
If you're counting carbohydrates, work with a dietitian to learn how to do it properly. If you're taking insulin, he or she can teach you how to count the amount of carbohydrates in each meal or snack and adjust your insulin dose accordingly.
Glycemic index
Some people who have diabetes use the glycemic index to select foods, especially carbohydrates. Foods with a high glycemic index are associated with greater increases in blood sugar than are foods with a low glycemic index. But low-index foods aren't necessarily healthier. Foods that are high in fat tend to have lower glycemic index values than do some healthier options.
Consistent eating habits can help you control your blood sugar level. Every day try to eat about the same amount of food at about the same time. Include a variety of foods to help meet your nutritional goals. A dietitian can help you plan a program that meets these guidelines:
Nutrient | Aim for |
Carbohydrates | 45 to 65% of daily calories |
Protein | 15 to 20% of daily calories |
Fats | 20 to 35% of daily calories |
Eat healthy carbohydrates
During digestion, sugars (simple carbohydrates) and starches (complex carbohydrates) break down into blood sugar. Focus on the healthiest carbohydrates:
Choose fiber-rich foods
Dietary fiber includes all parts of plant foods that your body can't digest or absorb. Fiber can decrease the risk of heart disease and help control blood sugar levels. Aim for 25 to 30 grams of fiber each day. Foods high in fiber include:
Limit saturated and trans fats
Diabetes increases your risk of heart disease and stroke by accelerating the development of clogged and hardened arteries. That's why heart-healthy eating becomes part of your diabetes diet. Get no more than 7 percent of your daily calories from saturated fat, and try to avoid trans fat completely. The best way to reduce the amount of saturated and trans fats you eat is to:
Curb dietary cholesterol
When there's too much cholesterol in your blood, you may develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Eventually, these deposits make it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries. To help keep your cholesterol under control, consume no more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol a day.
To reduce how much cholesterol you eat:
Eat heart-healthy fish at least twice a week
Fish can be a good alternative to high-fat meats. Cod, tuna and halibut, for example, have less total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than do meat and poultry. Fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart health by lowering blood fats called triglycerides.
The caveat? Avoid fried fish and fish with high levels of mercury, such as tilefish, swordfish and king mackerel.
Embracing your healthy-eating plan is the best way to keep your blood sugar under control and prevent diabetes complications. For greater variety, work in your favorite foods and foods you haven't tried before. Get creative within the guidelines of your healthy-eating plan. Look for inspiration from others who are following a plan - and enjoying the benefits.
Bagaimana Air Minum Itu Bekerja?
Meminum air minum biasa dengan metode yang benar, memurnikan tubuh manusia. Hal itu membuat usus besar bekerja dengan lebih efektif dengan cara membentuk darah baru, dalam istilah medis dikenal sebagai aematopaises. Bahwa mucousal fold pada usus besar dan usus kecil diaktifkan oleh metode ini, merupakan fakta tak terbantah,
seperti teori yang menyatakan bahwa darah segar baru diproduksi oleh mucousal fold ini. Bila usus bersih, maka gizi makanan yang dimakan beberapa kali dalam sehari akan diserap dan dengan kerja mucousal fold, gizi makanan itu diubah menjadi darah baru.
Darah merupakan hal paling penting dalam menyembuhkan penyakit dan memelihara kesehatan, dan karena itu air hendaknya dikonsumsi dengan teratur.
Bagaimana Melakukan Terapi Air ini ?
Pagi hari ketika anda baru bangun tidur (bahkan tanpa gosok gigi terlebih dahulu) minumlah 1.5 liter air, yaitu 5 sampai 6 gelas. Lebih baik airnya ditakar dahulu sebanyak 1.5 liter. Ketahuilah bahwa nenek moyang kami menamakan terapi ini sebagai "usha paana chikitsa".
Setelah itu anda boleh mencuci muka. Hal yang sangat penting untuk diketahui bahwa jangan minum atau makan apapun satu jam sebelum dan sesudah minum 1.5 liter air ini. Juga telah diteliti dengan seksama bahwa tidak boleh minum minuman beralkohol pada malam sebelumnya. Bila perlu, gunakanlah air rebus atau air yang sudah disaring.
Apakah mungkin Minum 1.5 Liter Air Sekaligus?
Untuk permulaan, mungkin akan terasa sulit meminum 1.5 liter air sekaligus, tapi lambat laun akan terbiasa juga. Mula-mula, ketika latihan, anda boleh minum 4 gelas dulu dan sisanya yang 2 gelas diminum dua menit kemudian. Awalnya anda akan buang air kecil 2 sampai 3 kali dalam satu jam, tapi setelah beberapa lama, akan normal kembali. Menurut penelitian dan pengalaman, penyakit-penyakit berikut diketahui dapat disembuhkan dengan terapi ini, dalam waktu seperti tertulis di bawah ini:
Sembelit - 1 Hari
TBC Paru-Paru - 3 Bulan
Kencing Manis - 7 Hari
Asam Urat - 2 Hari
Tekanan Darah - 4 Minggu
Kanker - 4 Minggu
Catatan :
Disarankan agar penderita radang / sakit persendian dan rematik melaksanakan terapi ini tiga kali sehari, yaitu pagi, siang, dan malam satu jam sebelum makan-selama satu minggu, setelah itu dua kali sehari sampai penyakitnya sembuh.
Kami mohon dengan sangat, metode di atas dibaca dan dipraktekkan dengan seksama. Sebar luaskanlah pesan ini kepada teman-teman, sanak saudara dan tetangga karena hal ini merupakan persembahan pada kemanusiaan. Dengan rahmat Tuhan, setiap orang hendaknya menjalani hidup sehat
Bagi sebagian orang, jerawat bukanlah hal yang asing. Tidak hanya jerawat, komedo maupun bintik-bintik yang mengganggu pemandangan muka pun tidak terlewatkan mampir di kita.
Tips Kesehatan mengatasi atau menghilangkan jerawat ini saya beri catatan sedikit yang berkaitan dengan parah tidaknya jerawat yang mampir di pipi anda. Jika anda memiliki jerawat yang cukup banyak dan memiliki kulit yang sensitif dengan jerawat, saya merasa bahwa cara yang akan saya berikan ini tidaklah manjur bagi anda.
Tanaman Lidah buaya tumbuh lumayan banyak di teras rumah kami sehingga untuk mendapatkannya bukanlah hal yang sulit. Hal ini mungkin sedikit berbeda dengan anda yang tidak menyukai tanam menanam di pekarangan rumah. Kita langsung saja. Apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghilangkan jerawat atau komedo?
Ambil satu daun Lidah Buaya dan Potong menjadi beberapa bagian. Kemudian iris kulit luarnya sebagian sampai tampak daging dan lendirnya yang putih. Nah oleskan saja dibagian yang muncul jerawat. Jika anda cukup rajin melakukannya tiap pagi dan sore atau sebelum tidur, semoga jerawat anda bisa mengering dan hilang dalam 3 hari.
Ringkasan :
Ambil satu daun Lidah buaya
Potong beberapa bagian
Kelupas Kulit luarnya
Oleskan dibagian yang muncul jerawat
Ulangi tiap pagi dan Sore
Semoga Bermanfaat
A deficiency of vitamin E is rare in humans. Vitamin E is present in many of the foods we eat on a daily basis, Wheat, Sunflower seeds, Hazelnuts, Soybean oil (Soy is present in just about every packaged product on the market), Broccoli and etc. Though studies indicate we don't get the full recommended daily intake of vitamin E, which is twenty-two and a half international units. Since these studies came out many people began to worry that they weren't getting enough of the vitamin and began taking mega doses of vitamin E. While in some cases its certainly true that people need supplementation, such as pregnant or lactating women its not entirely necessary for the general population.Vitamin E deficiency has never been proven in a healthy human. It's been shown in other species and in those with medical conditions that limit the body's ability to absorb Vitamin E. It may be possible to develop a deficiency if you maintain a very strict and limited low fat diet for a period of time, but other vitamin deficiencies will show up as well. A deficiency can occur in people with an inability to absorb fat, because some fat is needed in the digestive tract for the absorption of vitamin E. Someone with a genetic abnormality in their alpha-tocopherol transfer protein will have a deficiency of vitamin E. Lastly premature babies will be deficient in the vitamin or low birth weight babies because of a poor vitamin E transfer from the mother via the placenta to the baby or in the case of preemies simply a lack of time to transfer the vitamin.
a vitamin E deficiency also seems to be connected to Zinc deficiencies. The body may use zinc in absorbing or making use of vitamin E or the diet could be lacking in multiple vitamins and nutrients. Other conditions that can result in a vitamin deficiency are various intestinal disorders. Those suffering from Crohn's disease often experience diarrhea and subsequent inability to absorb vitamins. If you lack the ability to secrete bile you may need a special form of water soluble vitamin E since bile helps with the absorption of fats in the digestive tract. Some symptoms of vitamin E deficiency are sometimes nerve degenerations in the hands and feet, muscle weakness, eventual blindness. In infants you may notice irritability and edema. While adults can develop anemia, which is a lack of red blood cells, so you may notice fatigue, weakness, and paleness. The problem with vitamin E deficiency is that anyone who develops it will likely have a disease that is the underlying cause, such as Crohn's disease or gallbladder problems. So before diagnosing yourself as having a vitamin E deficiency you should get to a doctor and have them take a look at you for a proper diagnosis. In many cases treatment of the disease will naturally stop the symptoms.
Today I thought I’d share something I’ve been making my 5 yr olds to get them interested in eating lots of leafy greens. Greens are the food highest in mineral (per calorie), and I want to make sure my kids are getting plenty of minerals, but some kids have a hard time with greens. My kids don’t mind eating them but I was trying to get them to eat bigger portions of tender leafy greens.
So here’s what I did.
They’re really into pirates right now and one day I decided to make a “Treasure Salad.” I took a big pie plate for each kid and covered the entire bottom area with some fun salad fixin’s that they like. Fresh orange slices, almonds, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, baby carrots, mango pieces, pineapple. Then, I shredded a bunch of lettuce and piled it all on top of the plate to make a mountain, covering all the fixin’s I had on the bottom. I squeezed fresh orange juice over the lettuce mountain.
When the kids first saw it, they were like, “What??? We’re having just plain lettuce?” and I said, “It’s a treasure salad! Eat all your lettuce to get to the bottom and you may find some treasure!”
Lets just say, it worked like a charm. I’ve never seen them eat lettuce more enthusiastically. They ate and ate and ate, and were so excited when they got to the bottom and there was all this “treasure”! :) They savored each bite of the juicy fruit, veggies and nuts I had “hid” on the bottom.
Now, they ask me for a Treasure Salad several times a week. I hope this will be a family tradition/meal that they will take with them when they grow up!
I’d love to hear any creative ideas you all have had to help your children make healthy choices. I will be sharing a couple more ideas this week that has worked with my kids.
In an article written in the medical journal "Thorax" by Dr. N.J. Wareham et al of Medical Research Council in Cambridge, UK reveals that modification of diet can reduce onset of asthma. It is reported that people who suffer with asthma tend to consume less fruits and have decreased intake of Vitamin C and manganese. It was also reported that blood levels of vitamin C were lower in people with asthma than their healthy counterparts.
So eat your raw meal each day, take your enzymes for good absorption of vitamins and minerals and eat more vitamin C foods. I have seen vitamin C to be extremely good for asthma. I have actually seen it stop wheezing associated with an episode of asthma almost immediately.
In hundreds of studies around the world, scientists were creating obese mice
and rats to use in studies on diabetes and diet. No strain of rat or mice is obese naturally, so the scientists had to create them. They make these obese by injecting them with MSG when they are first born. It seems as though the MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates; causing rats to become obese.
MSG is in so many of our foods. Just check out the various items in your cupboard.
Many foods that are fed to our children contain MSG under many different names.
(Other names for MSG: 'Accent' - 'Aginomoto' - 'Natural Meet Tenderizer', hydrolyzed vegetable protein and natural flavoring)
The MSG manufacturers themselves admit that MSG is addicting and it addicts people to their products. It makes people choose their product over others, and makes people
eat more of it than they would if MSG wasn't added.
Consider your diet and read labels. Remember to eat one raw food meal a day. That will reduce the intake of MSG or other preservative automatically. Be careful to notice and watch what your kids are eating. Obesity is becoming epidemic and if we don't change this around, our children will develop health risks at earlier ages than we have ever known.