Kidney pain can be extremely painful, more so because it is sharp, hitting and consistent. Moreover, it is dangerous too. You cannot treat kidney pain lightly as you would treat a headache. The reason for this is that the kidneys are one of the most important organs in your body. If the kidney fails, you are dead. Therefore, if you ever think your stomach pain might be a kidney pain, rush to the doctor immediately. No matter whether the pain is caused by kidney stones or infection or any other reason, be in safe hands and consult a good doctor. However, an good idea about the symptoms should enable you to understand your situation better.
Kidney Stones as the Most Common Reason of Kidney Pain
The best sign to understand whether your kidney pain is the result of kidney stones is the nature of your pain. If your pain is such that movement makes it better, chances are there that the kidney pain is due to kidney stones. The stones block the urinary tract, further causing swelling of the kidney. This leads to excessive pain. Make it a point to drink at least 4-5 cups of marshmallow root tea. Even if you do not like drinking it, treat it like a medicine. Regular intake will provide you relief from incessant kidney pain. Drinking liter after liter of water and juice helps in pushing the stone downwards. Try having a lot of watermelon so that its water content filled with potassium salts further lessen your pain and cause urine. Walking also stimulates the body processes to assuage the kidney pain and reduce it.
Kidney Infection as another Possible Reason
Infection is one of the most common diseases that attack one and all. But if your infection is kidney induced, you should not make the mistake of taking it casually. The pain that is hitting and killing you is present. But kidney infection can be fatal and cause death. Therefore, you should be extra careful, keeping a track whether your infection is followed by fever and vomit and kidney pain. One of the most defining features of kidney pain die to infection is that it pulls your back into the pain. The part of your back that the kidney touches also gets infected. So, if you see any of these symptoms or yourself face it, do not hesitate to go to the doctor immediately. Do not unnecessarily panic, but always be alert.
The Other Causes
Kidney pain can also be the result of various other illnesses which directly or in directly affect the kidney. Since, it is one of the most important organs in your body, you have to take that extra step for your safely and well being. You cannot afford to sit back and wait for the last minute when you wake up from your slumber and start thinking about your pain and its treatment. Kidney pain can be caused by kidney cancer, internal bleeding and several such ailments. So, never take any kind of pain lightly. If the pain persists for a few days, make sure you get yourself checked by a doctor and fight your kidney pain.. So if you are feeling kidney pain check the kidney pain symptoms and then act quickly and check with your doctor.
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