11 November 2011

My Personal Battles with Skin Disorders

<p>A skin disorder often starts out very innocently, which is precisely what happened when my pimple marks appeared for the first time. They appear and look very innocent at first, but then they worsen suddenly and catch you off guard. I thought my pimples were only going to be temporary, but I got the surprise of my life at age 16. It spread like a skin disease all over my face, neck, chest, and back. It became a full on case of acne, and I was not ready for it. I did not know how to treat it, with what to treat it and I did not know how to cope with the sudden change to my face and body. My parents were just as worried and shocked and they took me to see a dermatologist, which was a friend of the family.<p><p>After running some tests, he told us that I was suffering from extreme hormonal imbalances and that it was a common appearance in adolescents. We wanted to know what kind of treatments we could use to reduce the problem and he recommended a few products that would control my acne condition, but he told us that it would not go away forever. This was not good news and it was something I did not want to hear, especially at age 16 and my final senior years still ahead of me. My parents tried to make me feel better, but all I could think of was my scarred and ugly-looking skin. I feared for the worst, which was facial acne scars. I did not want to deal with scarring, because everybody told me that they never go away and that worried me the most.<p><p>After weeks of feeling sorry for myself and trying to treat my acne with the products that the dermatologist recommended, without any real success, I had to make a decision. I decided that I could either give up now and face the fact that I would have a scarred face and body for the rest of my life, or I will try to do something about it myself. I must admit that I was very close to giving up, but luckily, the latter option was what I eventually decided to follow.<p><p>I heard from a friend that you could find anything online and that many of the newest technologies and products could be found online. I was hoping that the newest skin treatments would be available there as well. During my first day spent online, I found the best acne treatment ever and after researching this new acne treatment thoroughly, I told my parents about it and we immediately ordered it directly online as well. I am now 18 years old and my skin has cleared up almost completely.

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