11 November 2011

Smelly breath Remedy - Basic and Effective Herbal products

Foul breath or halitosis in medical parlance, is foul or unpleasant smelling breath, and this can be acute or chronic based on the cause. The expression halitosis is coined by combining the Latin word for breath (halitus) together with the Greek suffix (osis), meaning condition.

The main root cause of bad breath in many people would be the whitish coating that covers the top posterior percentage of their tongue. More precisely, the bacteria that experience this warm and moist coating of the tongue cause bad breath.

What can cause bad breath?

Have you ever stopped to wonder what can cause halitosis?

# Certain medical conditions, including sinus infections, tonsillitis, lung diseases, renal diseases, menstruation, cancer.

# The most common form of bad breath is morning bad breath, the temporary condition on account of factors including smoking, xerostomia, stress or hunger.

# Poor dental hygiene, that may leave food particles to decay inside the mouth.

# Eating of certain types of foods with strong odour can cause transient bad breath, including garlic, tobacco or onions.

# Chronic liver failure can cause a specialized kind of bad breath.Bad breath home remedies are always beneficial.

# Diabetes can from time to time start a sweet-smelling fruity odour of the breath.

# Psychiatric illness - some people perceive they have bad breath, but it's not noticed by others. This can be known as "pseudohalitosis."

Other reasons behind halitosis include -

o Alcoholism, tobacco use

o Allergies

o Heavy metal accumulation

o Peridontal gums and teeth

o Xerostomia attributable to salivary gland problems

o Chronic constipation

o Hormonal disorders

o Gastro-intestinal disorders

The signs of bad breath -

Chances are you'll not necessarily understand that bigger bad breath. It is because odour-detecting cells while in the nose in due course become used to the actual flow of odors through the mouth. Infact, others notice and react by recoiling when you speak.

The signs of bad breath -

# extreme oral dryness

# bad taste in the mouth

# bad breath

# a white or yellow Film about the tongue

# Bitter, sour, or metallic tastes

# Post nasal drainage

# White nodules about the tonsils

# Brushing and dental flossing tooth makes no difference

# heart problems

Treatment for bad breath -

This is determined by:

o the health of the mouth

o the main cause or origin of the bad breath condition

o extent of the condition

If bad breath is of oral origin, as things are while in the most cases, a dentist can treat the reason for the condition.

When the odour is caused by periodontal gums and teeth (causes gum tissues to drag outside the teeth and form pockets), an experienced periodontal cleaning can remove the bacteria and plaque that accumulate.
If you have extensive build-up of plaque, the dentist may recommend utilizing a special antimicrobial mouth rinse, along with brush tongue to remove excess plaque.

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