08 September 2009

Causes of Diabetes

by: Dr Maria

Certain factors that contribute to the development of diabetes are


Heredity is a major factor. That diabetes can be inherited has been known for centuries. However, the pattern of inheritance is not fully understood. Statistic indicates that those with a family history of the disease have a higher risk of developing diabetes than those without such a background. The risk factor is 25 to 33 percent more.

One reason why diabetes, especially type-2 diabetes runs in the family is because of the diabetes gene. But even it is caused by genetic factors beyond your control; there is no reason to suffer from it. Diabetes mellitus cannot be cured in full sense of the term, but it can be effectively controlled so that you would not know the difference.


Diabetes has been described by most medical scientists as a prosperity’ disease, primarily caused by systematic overeating. Not only is eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates harmful, but proteins and fats, which are transformed into sugar, may also result in diabetes if taken in excess.

It is interesting to note that diabetes is almost unknown in countries where people are poor and cannot afford to overeat.

The incidence of diabetes is directly linked with the consumption of processed foods rich in refined carbohydrates, like biscuits, bread, cakes chocolates, pudding and ice creams.


Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes. Studies show that 60 to 85 % of diabetics tend to be overweight. In the United States of America, about 80 percent of type –2 non-insulin dependent diabetics are reported to be overweight.

Excess fat prevents insulin from working properly. The more fatty tissue in the body, the more resistant the muscle and tissue cells become to body insulin. Insulin allows the sugar in the blood to enter the cells by acting on the receptor sites on the surface of the cells.

Older people often tend to gain weight, and the same time, many of them develop and mild form of diabetes because who are over weight can often improve their blood sugar simply by losing weight.

Stress and Tension

There is a known connection between stress and diabetes mellitus, those who are under stress and/or lead an irregular lifestyle, need to take adequate precautions and make necessary lifestyle adjustments.

Grief, worry and anxiety resulting from examinations, death of a close relative, loss of a joy, business failure and strained marital relationship, all a deep influence on the metabolism and may cause sugar to appear in the urine.


Smoking is another important risk factor. Among men who smoke, the risk of developing diabetes is doubled. In women who smoke 25 or more cigarettes a day, the risk of developing diabetes is increased by 40 percent.

Lifestyle Risk

People who are less active have greater risk of developing diabetes. Modern conveniences have made work easier. Physical activity and exercise helps control weight, uses up a lot of glucose (sugar) present in the blood as energy and makes cells more sensitive to insulin. Consequently, the workload on the pancreas is reduced.

Diabetes Mellitus Information and Treatment Supply

To find other free health content see e-healtharticles.com

07 August 2009

Should you Drink Caffeine Free Green Tea

Should you Drink Caffeine Free Green Tea

Tom G. Antion

A tea isn’t completely devoid of the extra kick if it states that it is caffeine free. Not all of the caffeine can be taken out by the decaffeinating process only most of it. As with any other type of tea, green tea naturally contains caffeine. It is a relatively easy process to remove the caffeine from your tea, but there is a little more to it than you might think.

Caffeinated or Decaffeinated?

Start off with some background. The well-known black tea, oolong tea, green tea and white tea are just a few of several types of tea. The most caffeine is found in black tea, while green tea is in the middle and white tea has the least. Coffee contains more caffeine than tea. One half or a third of the caffeine in coffee is found in a cup of tea.

It is rather surprising when you consider some general facts about tea plants. Caffeine will be stronger the smaller the tea leaf. A higher caffeine content is also in the tea leaves that are fermented longer. However, according to some sources the health benefits of green tea is ruined by the decaffeination process. So while you may be able to find comfort in a warm cup of green tea that is caffeine free it is a no-win situation.

You will want caffeine free if you have a problem with caffeine. Caffeine green tea is not completely devoid of caffeine, so you should keep this in mind if you have a severe reaction to any amount of caffeine. Which means you should probably stay away from teas altogether.

If you can even drink caffeine free green tea then herbal infusions may be an option. These do not contain any tea whatsoever despite the being mislabeled as teas. Herbs or flowers are often contained in these products and can be brewed in tea bags or balls just like teas. Chamomile is an example of the alternate ingredients included in herbal infusion which is a type of flower.

Caffeine green tea is a great choice if you are trying to limit your caffeine intake. The health benefit of green tea generally outweigh the negatives of a little bit of caffeine when you look at the big picture.

Tom Antion is the writer of green tea , He also writes on Green Tea Diet , and green tea products.

To find other free health content see e-healtharticles.com

08 May 2009

Magnetic Therapy Made Fun and Stylish

Did you ever see a secretary or co-worker with bulky wrist wraps or braces on? And when you asked what they were for you found out they had carpel tunnel syndrome or arthritis. Well tucked away in the wrist wraps were most likely magnets of varying strengths to help relieve pain or inflammation.

What about when your uncle went golfing. Did he wear wrist braces and bulky golf gloves? Chances are he was trying out some magnetic therapy products as well to help with his wrist pain after golf.

Well in today’s day and age they can step into the 21st century and get pain relief while looking their best. No need for ugly wrist wraps and the ever so unwanted conversation of “so how did you hurt your wrist”. With the use of some attractive magnetic jewelry the questions will be more like “where did you get that nice bracelet”.

Even your uncle or the golf enthusiast of the family can walk around the club house in style and leave the bulky braces in the car. Golf bracelets with magnetic therapy sweeping that culture like The Beetles invaded America. Everyone in the club house seems to tell their story on how magnets have helped them stay pain free after a grueling game. Comparing golf bracelets and magnetic jewelry often becomes the past time between the lady golfers as well.
The point is if your looking for a little comfort with magnetic therapy products you don’t have to be bogged down to the old fashioned wrist wraps and braces. Magnetic therapy can be made fun and stylish. I know many people with an extensive magnetic jewelry collection. It can be worn to work, play or out on the town.

Magnetic Jewelry can be made with titanium, stainless steel, copper and hematite to name a few. Accent stones and unique designs are also added and can help accent any outfit or fashion trend. Don’t settle for the old fashioned magnetic therapy devices, enjoy life, and feel good while looking your best.

Some interesting magnetic therapy information.

Magnets or magnetic therapy has been used for centuries and dates back to ancient Egypt and Asia. An alternative medicine practice that made is way all the way to present times. It is believed to help in cases where pain and inflammation are present due to the magnetic properties and the charges of the body. It is a non FDA approved therapy but millions of testimonials and studies have backed up its claims to make it a booming industry in the United States and other countries as well. Our goal at MagneticStyle.com is to offer some good advice about magnetics and provide our customers with a fashionable and exciting magnetic jewelry collection.
How does Magnetic Therapy work?
This is the question we hear most. Some doctors believe that the magnetic field affects the iron component of blood, hemoglobin, thereby increasing circulation to the area where magnets are applied.
Another theory is that the magnetic field energizes and oxygenates the white corpuscles in the blood stream, and these white corpuscles are natures healing agents. The charged ions increase the blood flow, which provides increased oxygenation to the blood. This increased oxygenation is the prevalent factor to enhancing your body's natural healing powers, and the results are less pain, decreased inflammation, and the possibility of increased energy level.
As with any alternative medicine research is key make informative decisions, and always remember to consult your physician before using magnetic therapy and do no use it if you have a pacemaker. Also do not use magnetic therapy products if your pregnant or nursing.

20 April 2009

A Copper Deficiency Can Lead To Several Health Problems

Copper is an essential trace mineral that can impair the ability of white blood cells to fight infection with even the slightest deficiency. Copper is necessary for the proper absorption of iron in the body. It is found primarily in foods that contain iron. If the body does not get a sufficient amount of copper, hemoglobin production decreases, causing copper-deficiency anemia to potentially result.

There are a variety of enzyme reactions that require copper. Copper is essential as a cross-linking agent for elastin and collagen. It is also a catalyst for protein reactions and is also needed for oxygen transport. Copper is used for the metabolism of essential fatty acids. Copper deficiency can result in a variety of symptoms. Among these symptoms are diarrhea, inefficient utilization of iron and protein, and stunted growth. The development of nerve, bone, and lung tissue can be impaired in babies and the structure of these body parts may also be altered.

Because the body is unable to manufacture copper, it must be obtained through the diet. Too much copper produces a condition known as copper toxicity or copper overload. In order for the body to work properly, it is essential that it has a proper balance of copper and zinc. An imbalance can lead to thyroid problems. Additionally, low copper levels can contribute to mental and emotional problems. For example, copper deficiency may be a factor in anorexia nervosa.
Although the FDA has never published a Recommended Daily Allowance for copper, the National Research Council recommends that adults get from 1.5 to 3.0 mg per day, while children obtain 1.5 to 2.5 milligrams and infants less than six months old obtain 0.4 to 0.6 milligrams. For most people, a normal healthy diet will provide the correct amount of copper.

Copper deficiency is most likely to occur in babies who are fed only cow’s milk, persons suffering from a malabsoprtion syndrome known as sprue, persons suffering from kidney disease, and those who chronically take mega-doses of zinc. Long-term use of oral contraceptives can upset the balance of copper in the body. This can cause either excessively high or excessively low copper levels. Copper levels can be determined through a blood test, urine samples, and hair analysis. The basis for a nutritional program to balance body chemistry is determining mineral levels and ratios.

The following nutrients are helpful in combating copper deficiency. The dosages recommended are for adults unless otherwise specified. For a child between the ages of twelve and seventeen, the dosage should be reduced to three-quarters the recommended amount, while one-half the recommended amount should be used for a child between six and twelve. A child under the age of six should use one-quarter the recommended amount.

Copper should be taken in dosages of 5 mg daily for a month, and then reduced to 3 mg daily. This helps to restore copper in the body. It is recommended that a copper amino acid chelate is used. 30 mg of zinc should be taken daily, as it is needed to balance with copper. This amount should not be exceeded and a zinc chelate form should be used. Iron should be taken as directed by a physician, as copper deficiency may cause anemia. Be sure to use a chelate form and do not take iron unless anemia is diagnosed. Additionally, a multivitamin and mineral complex should be taken as directed on the label since all nutrients are necessary in balance.

In conclusion, copper is a wonderful mineral that can help one with immunity and much more. Remember that copper should only be taken in low dosages of 1 to 3 milligrams per day. Copper can be found at your local or internet health food store.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Copper is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

13 March 2009

Hypnosis and The Mind

Fundamentals of the Mind
The human mind may be subdivided into three parts: the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious. These compare to a computer:

Unconscious - operating system
Subconscious = hard drive
Conscious = RAM

Each part has separate and distinct tasks. The Unconscious mind operates your automatic body systems such as the circulatory system, much as a computer’s operating system includes its basic functions. The Subconscious mind operates like a hard drive by storing files of all kinds, from a full memory bank of your past to your emotional spectrum, to its most vital task: protecting you at all costs. The Conscious mind is our everyday mind, making immediate day to day decisions like what to wear, eat, and drink. It is the gatekeeper, choosing what information is to be acted upon moment by moment. It’s the mind you’re reading this book with right now, and its tasks include comparing, reasoning, and explaining. These abilities are called the Critical Factor and are bypassed in hypnosis.

Importance of the Subconscious Mind
To update a file on your computer, you must open the original file and make the changes. In the human mind, original files are stored in the Subconscious. To gain access, we must reach the Subconscious directly, bypassing the Conscious mind. In other words, one way to gain positive changes in the present is to neutralize the negativity in the past. We do not change the memories, we upgrade how you feel about them.
This upgrading can only be accomplished in the Subconscious, for that is where memories are stored, and it can only be reached through bypass of the Conscious mind, and that can only be done through hypnosis.
Why? It’s what works. Hypnosis specifically sets the Conscious mind aside temporarily.

Your Mind Must Protect You; Good News, Bad News
All levels of your mind work to protect you as best they can at all times. And this especially applies to the Subconscious.
It must protect you at all costs, and to do so, it may even lie to you, or more to the point, to your Conscious mind. It may lie about you, about others, it may even lie to your hypnotist while you are in trance. It may hide memories from you. And much, much more. This is because once it accepts negative behaviors in the name of your safety, it hangs on to those behaviors. Some examples are:

•smoking anything
•being obese
•declining success
•biting your fingernails
•spending compulsively

You may well ask, how can compulsive spending possibly protect me? It distracts you. Misdirection is one highly effective way your Subconscious protects you by keeping a lid on overwhelming emotions. Ergo the addict.
You may well ask, how can declining to be successful possibly protect me? It limits you. Limiting exposure to risk is another way to protect you.
It is when such protective efforts do not meet your current needs that you desire change. Hypnosis sets aside the Conscious mind, makes changes via the Subconscious mind, and change is achieved.

How Hypnosis Upgrades Your Files
Hypnosis is able to change your perception of your memories, and thus of yourself. We do not change the events themselves, we upgrade how you feel about them, and thus your daily life is upgraded.
By accessing the original files stored in the Subconscious, you are able to see all of the reasons why your mind specifies your behaviors in the name of protecting you, and together we upgrade those behaviors since, typically, the need of that protection is gone. You are no longer in the middle of the event that had such an impact on you.
Your Conscious mind does not have complete access to your memory files; that is not its job. This is why merely talking about change is such an ineffective means of getting any. Talking happens in the Conscious mind. Change happens in the Subconscious.
And here’s the rub: the Subconscious outvotes the Conscious mind. It is far, far larger, stronger, and more powerful. This is why willpower fails so miserably for the dieter. Unless the Subconscious agrees to a healthy diet and a normalized body weight, your finest of intentions are short lived, having been overridden by the Subconscious mind.
Emotions are a function of, and are stored in, the Subconscious. When you have had an emotional reaction to danger, for example, real or imagined, those emotions are felt and stored in your Subconscious. Hypnosis accesses those stored emotions, upgrades your perception of them, and this results in changed behavior.
You must give yourself permission to make changes. You must want to change. You must want to enter into hypnosis. And this means not being afraid of hypnosis. So, let’s define what hypnosis is in several ways, as there is no single perfect way to phrase it.

What Hypnosis Is
•“Hypnosis is the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind combined with the establishment of selective thinking,” says the US Government.
•Hypnosis is a blend of physical relaxation and extreme mental alertness. Yes, I said extreme.
•Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration. This is why a few minutes of emotional expression in trance is worth hours in an alert state. Humans are so easily distracted, and the Conscious mind is forever making excuses for everything. In hypnosis, the conscious mind is set aside, and excuses are seen for what they are.
•Hypnosis is the state you enter into every time you watch a tv show you like, see a film you like, or sit down at the computer intending to only be there for 10 minutes... and suddenly it’s two hours later.
•Hypnosis also happens when humans fall in love, literally entranced.

What Hypnosis Is Not
•Hypnosis is not mind control.
•Hypnosis is not a royal proclamation.
•Hypnosis is not sleep. We use relaxation, not sleep, to enter hypnosis. You do not wake up from hypnosis, you emerge. And you already know exactly what emerging from hypnosis feels like! Remember the last time you went to the movies, loved the film, and at the end when the credits rolled, you suddenly “came to”? You just emerged from hypnosis. That’s exactly what it feels like, because that’s exactly what happened.
•Hypnosis is not being unconscious. You can hear everything that goes on around you during trance; you’re just not interested in it.
•Hypnosis is not relaxation. That’s just an optimal starting point.
•Hypnosis is not being drugged. However, one can easily mimic a drugged state in hypnosis, provided you have previously felt the effects of that drug. Your body remembers. This is useful for pain control.
•Hypnosis is not involuntary. Just as no one can make you enjoy a movie that fails to entrance you, no one can make you remain in hypnosis. I typically teach my clients self hypnosis on the very first session so that they know for certain that they can emerge whenever they like. Anyone can emerge from hypnosis instantly by making that their intention.

How Does It Actually Happen?
Hypnotists use methods we call techniques. These include Direct Suggestion, Regression To Cause, The Forgiveness Pyramid, Parts, The Spa of Your Inner Mind, The Recording Studio, Progression, and Higher Mind, among others.

The Last Word
The media uses hypnosis on you all the time. Aaaalllllllll the time. Advertisers have been known to employ hypnotists to assess the hypnotic potential of a given advertisement, and pay good money for it.
Every time you watch television and enjoy it, you go into a state of trance. Ditto listening to music, going to the movies, watching a DVD, hearing talk radio, reading a magazine, and so forth. When you don’t like a particular type of music, it is expressly because it fails to put you into the trance you listen to music for.
So here comes the big duh. Why should media have all the fun? Please visit your friendly neighborhood trance specialist and use hypnosis to further your own goals.

Ah, hypnosis. So easy you can do it with your eyes closed.

Getting Into Action

There are four great ways to apply the Law of Attraction in your life:

1) Letting go of the negative with The Sedona Method

2) Giving without wanting something back in return

3) Getting Into Action

4) Following your heart.

This article is the second in the series on applying the Law of Attraction and focuses on getting into action.

Why is it important to get into action?

If you simply fantasize about how great it is going to be to have what you want, but you don’t take action, you are engaging in “magical thinking.” When you let go of fantasy and take action to achieve your goals, you deal with what is actually here now and take the appropriate actions to bring what you want to you. You also make yourself available to unexpected ways of attracting success.

Many people, when they attempt to create what they want in their lives, pretend that there is nothing they need to do in order to create what they want. This is true if you have completely let go of the negative; however, it does not work if you have any doubt or subconscious hold-backs about what you are trying to create.

For most of us, it is much more practical to get into at least some action to achieve our goals. Otherwise we simply spend time imagining how great it will be to get our goals without noticing that there may be action required to achieve them.

When you do get into action two things happen. First you may actually do something that will produce the desired result or make yourself available to discover what the right action may be. The other advantage in getting into action is that it brings up all the thoughts and feelings that you have within you that are contrary to you achieving your goal so you can let them go with The Sedona Method.

Getting into action also generates the energy and momentum needed to overcome whatever obstacles you discover both internally and externally that may be in your way. Action sends a clear sign to the universe that you are serious about your intent which primes the pump of creation.

There Are Two Types of Action

The two types are, one, action to attract your goal and, two, taking action without wanting anything back in return. Most of us act only for ourselves or those we care about. However, it is important to take both types of action.

Just like with giving, when you act without wanting anything back in return – without being attached to the outcome – the results are much more profound. You are truly letting your actions go and not damming up the flow of universal energy.
When you act with only personal intent you are running only on your limited personal energy. When you act for the good of the whole or without being attached to the outcome, you access the universal energy that is always available right within you so you have much more power to create.

This translates not just to doing good for the planet, but it also helps you channel energy into your worth personal aspirations.

If you remain open when you are acting without attachment, you also may discover that all action is spontaneously being generated by the source or universal energy that is always here and now. When you discover that you are not the doer you free yourself to simply be and enjoy the peace, love and joy of being that is available to you here and now…whether or not you achieve your goals.

Remember to let go using The Sedona Method

When you get into any type of action remember to let go. Simply getting into action without letting go will often still produce some result. However, if you let go before, during and after your actions as best you can you will find that the results come much more quickly and easily and with a lot less stress and strain on you.

Enjoy getting into action to attract what you want and watch what happens. I am sure you will be very pleasantly surprised. Please let us know how getting into action is helping you achieve what you desire. Please also share this information with everyone you know.

04 March 2009

Best Fat Burning Foods

These superior fat burning foods are recommended by Tom Venuto and have some of the best nutrition value while keeping you fuller to cut down on the calories you normally consume.

Make sure that you get a variety of foods into your diet as these should only be a foundation of healthy eating foods. So here are the leading ten healthiest fat burning foods you can eat for weight loss.

1) Oatmeal

If you had to eat one and only one type of complex carbohydrate to burn fat than oatmeal should become your #1 choice for losing weight. Oatmeal is practically the only complex carbohydrate source bodybuilders and fitness professionals eat when they are burning fat for their competition.

Even though it is a starchy carbohydrate, oatmeal has an excellent balance of carbs, proteins, and fats in it as a half of cup has 3 grams of fats, 27 grams of carbs, and 5 grams of protein. With the combinations of macro nutrients, oatmeal is a healthy choice for its low glycemic rate for slow digestion.

2) Yams (or sweet potatoes)

The second best choice for eating healthy with starchy carbohydrates is yams and sweet potatoes. They are all-natural, low in calories, and with a high nutrient value, it has them being an excellent selection for a fat burning food.

With a low glycemic index having it keeping you fuller longer and digestion slower explains why fitness professionals recommend it for losing weight.

3) 100% Whole Wheat and Whole Grain Products

As it is recommended in all the food pyramids, breads and grains should be a huge part in eating healthy but the rule is they must be 100% whole grain and whole wheat. If you consume white bread then kiss your fat burning goals goodbye as white bread is one of the worst things you can put in your body.

When your goal is weight loss and burning fat keep the focus on breads and grains to a minimum while also only consuming only 100% whole grain and whole wheat.

4) Green Vegetables

Fibrous carbs are the #1 choice for burning fat with carbohydrates. Just think of green vegetables as having very little calories with a huge amount of nutritionist value. If you want to lose weight than focus on eating green vegetables with lean protein and your body will turn into a fat burning machine.

5) Fresh Fruit

Whole and fresh fruits are filled with vitamins that will keep you healthy, energized and burning fat all day long. Most fruits are low in calories, carbs, and high in fiber that makes them a fantastic choice for developing a lean and toned body.

6) Skin Milk and Nonfat Dairy Products

Dairy products are great for weight loss when they are nonfat or skin as others can be every dense in fat and calories. Dairy products have a combination of proteins and carbohydrates that makes them an excellent choice for implementing them into your weight loss eating program.

Stick with lean and nonfat products to keep the calories low and the nutrition value high making them a healthier choice for burning fat and eating healthy.

7) Chicken and Turkey Breast

Chicken and turkey I believe are the number one selection for protein in ones diet. By removing the skin and eating the white meat keeps it consisting of mostly protein for filling you up and eating less at the same time. Whatever way you cook them stay away from frying as that can turn an extremely healthy food into a dieter’s nightmare.

8) Eggs Whites

4 to 6 grams of protein, zero carbs, and zero fats makes egg whites a dieter’s life that much easier. Eggs whites are super-high quality protein but when eating the yoke becomes a habit, say hello to higher cholesterol levels and about 50 more calories that will just go to fat. Keep egg whites a healthy option for you by only eating the white part and putting the yokes in the trash.

9) Fish

Eating a variety of proteins is one of the things complained about the most as many bodybuilders and fitness professionals stick to only eggs, tune, and chicken. By implementing different kinds of fish you are giving yourself a variety of sources of protein to burn fat and lean out your body.

Also add in seafood like shrimp, crab, lobster, mussels, etc. as these all are great sources of protein that are low in fat.

10) Lean Red Meats

Finding good sources of lean red meats can become a struggle but they have many benefits like being high in protein, B-12. iron and creatine. By keeping our portion sizes small and choosing the leaner red meats it can also be a great food source for burning fat and weight loss.

These 10 fat burning foods are not the only foods good for healthy nutrition and weight loss but should help you start a foundation on what foods are good for eating healthy.

Have a great day and God bless!

02 March 2009

5 Simple Steps To Manifest More Money With The Law Of Attraction

Almost everyone I know wants to know how they can increase their cash flow.
Perhaps you have questioned why some people seem to always have money while others struggle just to make ends meet.

I think it is safe to say that most of the world uses and needs money to survive. Although everyone uses and needs money, not everyone has a healthy view about money. Many religions teach that money is the “root of all evil”. They hold on to cliché’s such as “the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer.”.

If you want more money in your life, then you’ve got to show money love. This may sound strange to you, but the law of attraction simply stated says “like attracts like”.
Attracting money into your life is much like a love relationship. If you want to attract that sexy woman or that handsome guy into your life, then you call them on the phone. You meet together on a dinner date.

Perhaps you write love letters or sweet poems. You find out what the person likes and make a little surprise gift. You keep a picture of that person in your wallet. You are in love. This is basically what the law of attraction is about. It’s not just saying or writing affirmations. It’s not just using pictures to visualize things. It’s putting your whole heart, soul and mind into it.

With money, it has to be the same way. First step to attracting money is;

1. Realize money is like electricity. In of itself, it is not good or evil. Much like electricity, you can use it to do a lot of good or cause a lot of unhappiness. Many people blame money for their mistakes and are afraid to face responsibility for their own life.
2. Everything that you want to manifest requires a specific spirituality accordingly. Spirituality is an intense feeling for something. It is a healthy and balanced love for something. If you are afraid to love money, how can you ever expect it to want to come to you? Remember, this is a healthy and balanced love.
3. Keep pictures or symbols of money to help you focus and remind you of your intention. You can use pictures of money, real money, or symbols such as rocks or marbles. Use whatever works best for you.
4. Take action. Don’t just take an action for action’s sake, but meditate and think it through. Trust your subconsciousness to lead you to do the right action, but nontheless don’t expect for things to just fall out of the sky into your lap.
5. Imagine. Use your imagination of what you would feel like if you were wealthy. Exactly how much money would you like to have. When? Make it crystal clear into your mind and then work with the feeling of already having it now. I recommend this should be done on a daily basis for at least half an hour, but again, do what works best for you. Remember that you want to do this regularly and you want this to be a fun thing, not a chore.

01 March 2009

Motivation: Keys to Staying Active

You know you need to be physically active to reduce the risk of chronic disease, stress, body fat and improve your overall quality of life. Unfortunately, it's easy to get mixed up in the "how much", "how to" sort of thinking and take no action. Here's a few keys to get you into an active lifestyle:

* Set Goals. You will stay more motivated if you set goals. Identify what you want to accomplish and what steps you need take. Write them down and refer to them often. Choose both short term goals (increase exercise by five minutes each week) and long term goals (lose fifty lbs). Goals must be reasonable or you may set yourself up for failure which often results in quitting your fitness program.

*Create a Reward System. Some individuals stay motivated intrinsically but others benefit from external rewards. Don't be afraid to treat yourself if you had a great workout or lost a couple of lbs.

* Partner-up. Studies have shown that working out with a spouse, friend or group can increase commitment to exercise. Find friends who like to do the same things you do or join a group fitness class. Your dog can also be a great fitness companion for regular walks and jogs.

*Learn. The more you know about staying fit the more you will benefit and enjoy it. Do a little reading- the internet is full if free fitness sites- and use your brain cells to pump up your body.

* Inspiration. Music can add a little motivation to anyone's workout and it helps make the time go faster. Exercise videos can add variety to your program and introduce you to new types of exercise.

* Use the 90%/10% Rule. Don't try to be perfect. If you get your workouts done well 90% of the time that's good enough.

*Crosstrain. Crosstraining means performing a variety of activities. It's great for your overall fitness level and relieves boredom.

Most importantly, choose exercises you enjoy. There's a world of fitness adventure out there for everone. Find out what it is for you and once started, that's when the fun begins.

27 February 2009

Building Better Bones

Did you know that your bones are always changing? Every day of your life, some bone cells die and some new bone cells are created. From birth until your early 30s, you can easily make lots of bone cells. So long as your diet supplies the necessary nutrients, you not only replace bone cells that die, you have extras left over to lengthen and strengthen your bones.

Past the age of 35, new bone cells are more difficult to make. Sometimes there is a shortfall: more bone cells die than you can replace. In the orthodox view, this is the beginning of osteoporosis, the disease of low bone mass. By the age of forty, many American women have begun to lose bone mass; by the age of fifty, most are told they must take hormones or drugs to prevent further loss and avoid osteoporosis, hip fracture, and death.

Women who exercise regularly and eat calcium-rich foods enter their menopausal years with better bone mass than women who sit a lot and consume calcium-leaching foods (including soy "milk," tofu, coffee, soda pop, alcohol, white flour products, processed meats, nutritional yeast, and bran). But no matter how good your lifestyle choices, bone mass usually decreases during the menopausal years.
For unknown reasons, menopausal bones slow down production of new cells and seem to ignore the presence of calcium. This "bone-pause" is generally short-lived, occurring off and on for five to seven years. I noticed it in scattered episodes of falling hair, breaking fingernails, and the same "growing pains" I experienced during puberty.

I did not see it in a bone scan, because I didn't have one.

The idea behind bone scans is a good one: find women who are at risk of broken bones, alert them to the danger, and help them engage in preventative strategies. There's only one problem: bone scans don't find women who are at risk of broken bones, they find women who have low bone density.

I would like to help you let go of the idea that osteoporosis is important. In the Wise Woman Tradition, we focus on the patient, not the problem. In the Wise Woman tradition, there are no diseases and no cures for diseases. When we focus on a disease, like osteoporosis, we cannot see the whole woman. The more we focus on one disease, even its prevention, the less likely we are to nourish wholeness and health.

Focusing on osteoporosis, defining it as a disease, using drugs to counter it, we lose sight of the fact that postmenopausal bone mass is a better indicator of breast cancer risk than broken bone risk. The twenty-five percent of postmenopausal women with the highest bone mass are two-and-a-half to four times more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than those with the lowest bone mass. And that hormones which maintain bone mass also adversely affect breast cancer risk. Women who take estrogen replacement (often given to prevent osteoporosis), even for as little as five years, increase their risk of breast cancer by twenty percent; if they take hormone replacement, the risk increases by forty percent.

Focusing on bone mass, we lose sight of the fact that a strong correlation between bone density and bone breakage has not been established, according to Susan Brown, director of the Osteoporosis Information Clearing House, and many others. We lose sight of the fact that women who faithfully take estrogen or hormone replacement still experience bone changes and suffer spinal crush fractures.

Bone-pause passes and the bones do rebuild themselves, especially when supported by nourishing herbs, which are exceptional sources of bone-building minerals and better at preventing bone breaks than supplements. The minerals in green plants seem to be ideal for keeping bones healthy. Dr. Campbell, Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, has done extensive research in rural China where the lowest known fracture rates for midlife and older women were found. He says, "The closer people get to a diet based on plant foods and leafy vegetables, the lower the rates of many diseases, including osteoporosis." Women who consume lots of calcium-rich plants and exercise moderately build strong flexible bones. Women who rely on hormones build bones that are massive, but rigid.

Hormone replacement regimes do not increase bone cell creation; they slow (or suppress) bone cell killers (osteoclasts). There is a rebound effect; bone loss jumps when the hormones are stopped. Women who take hormones for five years or more are as much as four times more likely to break a bone in the year after they stop than a woman of the same age who never took hormones. Women who build better bones with green allies and exercise nourish the bone cell creator cells (osteoblasts).

Hormone or estrogen replacement, taken as menopause begins and continued for the rest of your life, is said to reduce post-menopausal fracture rates by 40-60 percent. Frequent walks (you don't even need to sweat) and a diet high in calcium-rich green allies (at least 1500 mg daily) have been shown to reduce post-menopausal fractures by 50 percent. The first is expensive and dangerous. The second, inexpensive and health promoting. It's easy to see why more than eighty percent of American women just "say no" to hormones. It is never too late to build better bones, and it is never too soon. Your best insurance for a fracture-free, strong-boned cronehood is to build better bones before menopause. The more exercise and calcium-rich green allies you get in your younger years, the less you'll have to worry about as you age.

"A woman has lost half of all the spongy bone (spine, wrist) she'll ever lose by the age of 50, but very little of the dense (hip, hand, forearm) bone. Attention to bone formation at every stage of life is vital; there is no time when you are too old to create healthy new bone." - American MD


"Osteoporosis is much less common in countries that consume the least calcium. That is an undisputed fact." -T. C. Campbell, PhD. Nutritional Biochemistry

Step 1: Collect Information

Calcium is, without a doubt, the most important mineral in your body. In fact, calcium makes up more than half of the total mineral content of your body. Calcium is crucial to the regular beating of your heart, your metabolism, the functioning of your muscles, the flow of impulses along your nerves, the regulation of your cellular membranes, the strength of your bones, the health of your teeth and gums, and your vital blood-clotting mechanisms. Calcium is so critical to your life that you have a gland (the parathyroid) that does little else than monitor blood levels of calcium and secrete hormones to ensure optimum levels of calcium at all times.

When you consume more calcium than you use, you are in a positive calcium balance: extra usable calcium is stored in the bones and you gain bone mass (insoluble or unusable calcium may be excreted, or stored in soft tissue, or deposited in the joints). When you consume less calcium than you use, you are in a negative calcium balance: the parathyroid produces a hormone that releases calcium stores from the bones, and you lose bone mass.

To ensure a positive calcium balance and create strong, flexible bones for your menopausal journey, take care to:

Eat three or more calcium-rich foods daily.
Avoid calcium antagonists.
Use synergistic foods to magnify the effectiveness of calcium.
Avoid calcium supplements.

Step 2: Engage the Energy

The homeopathic tissue salt Silica is said to improve bone health.

What does it mean to you to support yourself? To be supported? To stand on your own? To have a backbone in your life?

Step 3: Nourish & Tonify

What do we need to make strong flexible bones? Like all tissues, bones need protein. They need minerals (not just calcium, but also potassium, manganese, magnesium, silica, iron, zinc, selenium, boron, phosphorus, sulphur, chromium, and dozens of others). And in order to use those minerals, high-quality fats, including oil-soluble vitamin D.

Many menopausal women I meet believe that protein is bad for their bones. Not so. Researchers at Utah State University, looking at the diets of 32,000 postmenopausal women, found that women who ate the least protein were the most likely to fracture a hip; and that eating extra protein sped the healing of hip fractures.

Acids created by protein digestion are buffered by calcium. Traditional diets combine calcium- and protein-rich foods (e.g. seaweed with tofu, tortillas made from corn ground on limestone with beans, and melted cheese on a hamburger). Herbs such as seaweed, stinging nettle, oatstraw, red clover, dandelion, and comfrey leaf are rich in protein and provide plenty of calcium too. Foods such as tahini, sardines, canned salmon, yogurt, cheese, oatmeal, and goats' milk offer us protein, generous amounts of calcium, and the healthy fats our bones need. If you crave more protein during menopause, follow that craving. CAUTION: Unfermented soy (e.g., tofu) is especially detrimental to bone health being protein-rich, naturally deficient in calcium, and a calcium antagonist to boot.

Bones need lots of minerals not just calcium, which is brittle and inflexible. (Think of chalk, calcium carbonate, and how easily it breaks.) Avoid calcium supplements. Focus on getting generous amounts of calcium from herbs and foods and you will automatically get the multitude of minerals you need for flexible bones.

Because minerals are bulky, and do not compact, we must consume generous amounts to make a difference in our health. Taking mineral-rich herbs in capsule or tincture form won't do much for your bones. (One cup of nettle tincture contains the same amount of calcium - 300 mg - as one cup of nettle infusion. Many women drink two or more cups of infusion a day; no one consumes a cup of tincture a day!) Neither will eating raw foods. I frequently come across the idea that cooking robs food of nutrition. Nothing could be further from the truth. Cooking maximizes the minerals available to your bones. Kale cooked for an hour delivers far more calcium than lightly steamed kale. Minerals are rock-like, and to extract them, we need heat, time, and generous quantities of plant material.

Green sources of calcium are the best. Nourishing herbs and garden weeds are far richer in minerals than ordinary greens, which are already exceptional sources of nutrients.

But calcium from green sources alone is not enough. We need calcium from white sources as well. Add a quart of yogurt a week to your diet if you want really healthy bones. Because the milk has been changed by Lactobacillus organisms, its calcium, other minerals, proteins, and sugars (no lactose) are more easily digested. This carries over, enhancing calcium and mineral absorption from other foods, too. (I have known several vegans who increased their very low bone density by as much as 6 percent in one year by eating yogurt.) Organic raw milk cheeses are another superb white source.

Horsetail herb (Equisetum arvense) works like a charm for those premenopausal women who have periodontal bone loss or difficulty with fracture healing. Taken as tea, once or twice a day, young spring-gathered horsetail dramatically strengthens bones and promotes rapid mending of breaks. CAUTION: Mature horsetail contains substances which may irritate the kidneys.

Step 4: Stimulate/Sedate

Beware of calcium antagonists. Certain foods interfere with calcium utilization. For better bones avoid consistent use of:

Greens rich in oxalic acid, including chard (silver beet), beet greens, spinach, rhubarb.
Unfermented soy products, including tofu, soy beverages, soy burgers.
Phosphorus-rich foods, including carbonated drinks, white flour products, and many processed foods. (Teenagers who drink sodas instead of milk are four times more likely to break a bone.)
Foods that produce acids requiring a calcium buffer when excreted in the urine, including coffee, white sugar, tobacco, alcohol, nutritional yeast, salt.
Fluoride in water or toothpaste.
Fiber pills, bran taken alone, bulk-producing laxatives.
Steroid medications, including corticosteroids such as prednisone and asthma inhalers. (Daily use reduces spinal bone mass by as much as ten percent a year.)
Restricted calorie diets. Women who weigh the least have the greatest loss of bone during menopause and "neither calcium supplements, vitamin D supplements, nor estrogen" slow the loss. Among 236 premenopausal women, all of whom consumed similar amounts of calcium, those who lost weight by reducing calories lost twice as much bone mass as women who maintained their weight.

Although chocolate contains oxalic acid, the levels are so low as to have only a negligible effect on calcium metabolism. An ounce/3000 mg of chocolate binds 15-20 mg of calcium; an ounce of cooked spinach, 100-125 mg calcium. Bittersweet (dark) chocolate is a source of iron. Recent research has found chocolate to be very heart healthy. As with any stimulant, daily use is not advised. Chocolate is an important and helpful ally for women. Guilt about eating it and belief that it is damaging to your health interferes with your ability to hear and respond to your body wisdom. If you want to eat chocolate - do it; and get the best. But if you're doing it every day - eat more weeds.

Excess phosphorus accelerates bone loss and demineralization. Phosphorus compounds are second only to salt as food additives. They are found in carbonated beverages, soda pop; white flour products, especially if "enriched" (bagels, cookies, cakes, donuts, pasta, bread); preserved meats (bacon, ham, sausage, lunch meat, and hot dogs); supermarket breakfast cereals; canned fruit; processed potato products such as frozen fries and instant mashed potatoes; processed cheeses; instant soups and puddings.

To avoid phosphorus overload and improve calcium absorption:

Drink spring water and herbal infusions; avoid soda pop and carbonated water.
Eat only whole grain breads, noodles, cookies, and crackers.
Buy only unpreserved meats, cheeses, potatoes.
Avoid buying foods with ingredients; they are highly processed.

Excess salt leaches calcium. Women eating 3900 mg of sodium a day excrete 30 percent more calcium than those eating 1600 mg. The main sources of dietary sodium are processed and canned foods. Seaweed is an excellent calcium-rich source of salt. Sea salt may be used freely as it contains trace amounts of calcium. Salt is critical for health; do not eliminate it from your diet.

Increase hydrochloric acid production (in your stomach) and you'll make better use of the calcium you consume. Lower stomach acid (with antacids, for example) and you will receive little bone benefit from the calcium you ingest. Some ways to acidify:

Drink lemon juice in water with or after your meal.
Take 10-25 drops dandelion root tincture in a little water before you eat.
Use calcium-rich herbal vinegars in your salad dressing; put some on cooked greens and beans, too.

Step 5a: Use Supplements

I really wish you wouldn't use calcium supplements. They expose you to dangers and don't prevent fractures. A study in Australia that followed 10,000 white women over the age of 65 for six and a half years found "Use of calcium supplements was associated with increased risk of hip and vertebral fracture; use of Tums antacid tablets was associated with increased risk of fractures of the proximal humerus."

If you insist on supplements, go for calcium-fortified orange juice or crumbly tablets of calcium citrate. Chewable calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, and calcium carbonate are acceptable sources. Dolomite, bone meal, and oyster shell are best avoided as they usually contain lead and other undesirable minerals.

For better bones, take 500 mg magnesium (not citrate) with your calcium. Better yet, wash your calcium pill down with a glass of herbal infusion; that will provide not only magnesium but lots of other bone-strengthening minerals, too.

Calcium supplements are more effective in divided doses. Two doses of 250 mg, taken morning and night, actually provide more usable calcium than a 1000 mg tablet.

Step 5b: Use Drugs

Even if you take hormone therapy (ERT or HRT) you must get adequate calcium to maintain bone mass, according to researchers at Columbia University. That's 1200-1500 mg a day (a cup of plain yogurt, two cups of nettle infusion, a splash of mineral-rich vinegar, plus three figs is about that). As you increase your intake of calcium-rich foods/herbs, gradually cut back on your hormone dose if you wish.

Step 6: Break & Enter

Bone density tests are frequently used to push women into taking hormones or drugs. If your bone density is low, use the remedies in this section and schedule another test (for at least six months later) before agreeing to such therapies.

24 February 2009

All About Organic Wines

Wines are available in a number of different types and organic wines are one type that is getting more and more attention these days. Organic wines are processed from grapes which are grown without the use of synthetic fungicides or fertilizers. In vineyards where biodiversity is encouraged, vines are grown with the help of living soil i.e. soil full of worms and bacteria which helps to draw the maximum level of minerals from soil. The wines which are grown in living soil have good resistance to disease. Biodiversity also creates an eye catching landscape.

Grape growing is organic by origin but not all vineyards are organic. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is in charge of regulations for organic food products. USDA defines organic food as 'the food which is produced by farmers with the help of renewable resources and by conversion of water and soil which enhances the quality of environment for future generations'. Organic farming is done without the use of harmful pesticides or fertilizers or any ionizing radiation. Before declaring the farm as organic the government inspects the farmland and checks that the farmer rules of to meet the standards set by United States Department of Agriculture.
The Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) did not give permission for wines to be designated as organic. This decision of ATF was challenged by Hallcrest Vineyards. Since then few of the wineries have become certified processors of organic wines.

Organic wines are of four types:
• 100% organic: Produced with 100%organically grown grapes and contain no added sulphites.
• Made with organic ingredients: They have at least 70% of organically grown grapes and may contain sulfite.
• Organic: They contain at least 95% of ingredients from certified sources.
• Some organic ingredients: Thus, before buying organic wine one must know the difference between the four categories of organic wine.

The wine which is processed from organically grown grapes and which also gives information about its certifying agency is labelled as organic and is sealed by United States Department of Agriculture as 'organic wine'. Such wine does not contain any added sulfites but can consist of natural sulphites which must be less than 20 parts a million. Sulfite is a preservative of wine which is commonly known as sulphur dioxide. Sulfite has antioxidant properties and also some antimicrobial properties. It is a controversial topic whether it is possible that wine could be sulfite free. The producers of organic wine have to undergo various inspections by the organisations to get the organic certification.

Reconversion is the process by which conventional vineyards are converted to fully organic vineyards. The whole process takes up to 3 years to complete. The use of non organic treatment is strictly prohibited in the organic vineyards. As per law all the organic claims of wine are to be mentioned on the label so that one can read the label and can come to know about the contents of the bottle. Organic wines are a gem of ecosystem. Organic wines do not contain any harmful ingredients as the conventional wines.

20 February 2009

Sound – More Than Your Thinking!

If you happen to be near some piece of technology which can play an MP3 file from the internet, direct it to play as you’re reading this (you’ll learn why later). If the speakers are small and you have the option to plug in headphones, please do so, as the little speakers aren’t up to the task here.

Sound as we know it:
Listen… REALLY listen… what do you hear? Sound tells us a great deal about our environment. Sound is all around us ALL THE TIME, and unless you go to some extreme measures, it’s nearly impossible to hear NOTHING. If you were to ask a scientific person what sound is, they may say something about air molecules vibrating in a particular pattern. Although sound is indeed that, when sound is intentionally and purposefully created it can be much, much more.

Beethoven knew!
You’ve likely heard the opening notes to Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony at some point. What was your response or feeling upon hearing those notes? It was probably like someone just shouted at you, “HEY – sit up and pay attention, because this is important!” Why? Because that was the INTENTION (or consciousness) which Beethoven attached to those notes. You see, Beethoven was a master of sound, and he understood that SOUND IS A CARRIER WAVE FOR CONSCIOUSNESS and that in order to convey a particular intention, he had to have the RIGHT SOUND.

Sound is very complex, though, and music is just one application of sound. When creating and working with sound, the parameters which need to be taken into account are:

* Frequency (pitch).
* Amplitude (volume, or sound pressure level).
* Harmonics (timbre, or waveform) – this is why each instrument (even if it’s playing the same pitch) sounds different.
* Modulation: Frequency (vibrato), and/or amplitude (tremolo).
* “Envelope” characteristics (such as attack, initial decay, sustained level, and release).

Mind your thoughts
Before we get too mired in the mechanics of sound, let’s examine that other aspect called “consciousness.” The majority of Beethoven’s music does not have any words, yet the intention (consciousness, or feeling) comes through – which is, by the way, why Beethoven’s music remains among the most popular music ever written. How is this unspoken communication possible? To explain this, let’s use a metaphor of two types of “thinking systems” which comprise the mind. We’ll call them “left mind” and “right mind.” The “left mind” is where we live nearly all the time, and it uses thought fragments (words – both verbal and written) to communicate. The “right mind” works entirely differently and MUCH faster, using WHOLE thoughts, pictures, and metaphors. Another difference is that “right mind” is creative, whereas “left mind” can only do things as it has been taught or shown to do [almost our entire educational system teaches the “left mind”].

Music and sound
Music is sound which has been structured in a particular manner – usually divided up time wise into beats and measures, having proper melodic and harmonic structures and progressions, etc. All this makes it possible for this codification of sound, called music – largely so that it can be reproduced at some later time. And do you know what? “Left mind” loves that sort of neat, orderly, logical stuff. “Right mind” is interested in what the sound conveys. Unfortunately, being that “left mind” is where we hang out most of the time, it becomes dominant and when it’s being stimulated or used, “right mind” doesn’t get to do much.

Teaching an old mind new tricks
There’s been a lot of interest and press time lately given to various methods, processes, and so on – all designed to help people change the way they think in order to attract… whatever. Over the years I’ve tried some of them. They have some good points, I’ll admit. My experience, though, was that it was a rather long, tedious and expensive (both in terms of time and money) process with limited results. Why? Because they were using the usual “left mind” methods, and left mind cannot be taught to be creative and think in NEW ways – only to think differently. Just for a moment, think of all the thoughts you’ve had today. Can you find any thought which is NEW or UNIQUE – an idea which you’re SURE no one has ever had before? Not likely.

Edgar Cayce knew!
In at least one of his reading/prophecies, Edgar Cayce stated, “Sound will be the medicine of the future.” Why “the future?” Back when Edgar said that, electronics were pretty primitive. The accurate capture, reproduction, and distribution of that sound – still a long way off. Creation of sound was limited to acoustic sources only. A true “medicine of the future” would be one which would bring a person back into a state of harmony (balance) by affecting the cause of the dis-harmony (that being the state of consciousness of the mind). In order to affect that change in the mind, one must speak concisely in the language of consciousness. At this point in our (d)evolution, though, I don’t know of anyone who’s capable of conveying pure thought/intention to another mind, so we need a third-dimensional carrier wave to do the job, and it’s called SOUND! Today, we have available the means to produce ANY sound (because it must be the RIGHT sound) necessary to convey the consciousness, capture that sound, distribute it (let me count the ways), and reproduce it. All YOU have to do is LISTEN.

The bottom line
You cannot truly change anything about your life until you change the way you think.

You cannot change the way you think until you engage the creative abilities of your right mind.

You cannot engage the right mind with left mind constructs (language and what we see).

The right sound, coupled with the right intention is the most effective (and perhaps the only) way to reach your right mind.

19 February 2009

7 Types of Fat Burning Supplements

There are many ways to burn fat:

Increase exercise and decrease food and alcohol consumption is the most obvious and safest answer.

Another idea is a “thermic diet”: a diet that increases your metabolic rate, such as consuming whey protein which requires more energy to digest than other foods

A third alternative is taking “fat burning” supplements.

With all the choices of “fat burning” supplements out there, it’s very confusing for the average consumer what the differences are. “Fat burning” supplements can be broken down into 7 categories, where the first 4 are stimulants:

1. Ephedrine and Ephedra. Ephedrine and its herbal forms Ephedra and Ma Huang are often included in supplements designed to promote fat burning and/or energy. About 5 years ago, Ephedra was in the news over the controversial death of a baseball player Steve Bechler and football player Korey Stringer during spring training. Many believe it was a combination of heat stroke, dehydration, and lack of conditioning. The results were inconclusive.

2. Caffeine and Guarana. Caffeine and its herbal form Guarana are often included in supplements designed to promote energy and/or fat burning. Caffeine is known to suppress the appetite. Side effects include the jitters or nervousness and frequent trips to the restroom.

3. Ephedrine & Caffeine Combos. The combination of Ephedrine and Caffeine makes up the core of some popular supplements that has been proven to burn fat and while retaining lean muscle mass. The supplements below represent many variations of this popular combo or their herbal equivalents (Ephedra / Ma Huang and Guarana). Xenadrine is a popular brand in this category.

4. Synephrine Combos. The herbal form is Citrus Aurantium or Bitter Orange. These are thought to be easier on the Central Nervous System than supplements that contain ephedrine or its herbal equivalents. Synephrine is still a stimulant but is a milder alternative to ephedrine.

5. Thyroid Boosters. These are designed to preserve or increase thyroid output and increase the metabolic rate to promote fat loss stimulant free. This is an excellent alternative to supplements containing stimulants.

6. Insulin Mimickers are said to aid or act similar to insulin in order to help avoid large amounts of natural insulin from being secreted in the body - which would result in excess carbohydrates being stored as fat!
Chromium is the second best-selling mineral supplement in the United States, behind calcium. It is found in whole grains, wheat germ and nuts, and is poorly absorbed in our intestinal tract.
By combining Chromium with Picolinic Acid to create Chromium Picolinate reportedly improved absorption into the bloodstream. Evidence is currently inconclusive, and more research is required.

7. Carnitine and Actetyl-L-Carnitine. This is probably the lowest risk of the 7 types of supplements. Over 50 percent of our daily needs for Carnitine is normally supplied by the diet by meat, poultry and fish. Unless you are a vegetarian or a strict vegan, current research shows no evidence that it will reduce body fat.

Pick & choose your supplements carefully!

18 February 2009

Folic Acid, The News Keeps Getting Better

National press has recently taken an interest in the benefits of folic acid, with coverage increasing throughout the media. Folic acid, a B vitamin and other folates helps the body to form red blood cells and aids in the formation of genetic material within every body cell. Folic acid also helps to prevent birth defects. Proponents of dietary supplements have encouraged the use of folic acid by women who are of the child-bearing age for a long time.

The public is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of this nutrient to prenatal development. In a survey done by U.S. Health and Human Services in 2007, about 40% of all women surveyed reported the daily consumption of a supplement that contained folic acid, while about 42% of women surveyed reported that folic acid is the most important vitamin for women of child-bearing age. This study also found that awareness of the benefits differed by age group. Younger women were the least likely to know about the benefits of folic acid, and therefore, were the least likely to consume folic acid. These younger women were also more likely to hear about folic acid from a magazine or newspaper or school or college, rather than their health-care provider.

On the contrary, the women who aged 25-34 and 35-47 were much more likely to hear about folic acid and its benefits from their health-care provider. Because of these results, the U.S. Health and Human Services considers it vital to increase young person education and awareness. Folic acid has long been known to help prevent birth defects. Recent research on folic acid shows that it may also help in preventing premature births, boost baby weights, prevent preeclampsia, reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and even cut male smokers’ stroke risk.

Folate is determined from the term “foliage,” and is a member of the B vitamin family where it can be primarily found in dark leafy green vegetables, legumes, citrus fruits, beets, meat, and wheat germ. Folic acid does not occur in nature and cannot be found in unfortified foods. It is not an active form of the B-vitamin. However, it is the most common form of folate used is supplements and in fortified food products due to the fact that it is highly bioavailable and chemically stable. It is also readily reduced to tetrahydrofolate, which is the active coenzyme form of folate. One study, comparing folic acid from orange juice and folic acid from a supplement showed that the supplement had a better absorption rate than the fortified orange juice.

Although folic acid is not generally associated with side effects, there have been some clinical reports that high level of folic acid can mask a deficiency of vitamin B-12. However, a deficiency of B-12 is very uncommon and it has been determined that only amounts about 3000 – 4000 micrograms per day of folic acid for extended periods of time may have this masking effect, which can in turn be eliminated by supplementing with a few micrograms of B-12. For more information about folic acid and its benefits to your body, contact your local health food retailer.

09 February 2009

Why Can’t I Lose Weight

Eating Too Much
Being a strong believer in sound nutrition and always preaching that nutrition is not only how much you eat but when, what, and why? These three words determine if you lose or gain weight. Let’s break them down really quick.

When, What, and Why? Eating at certain periods in the day is crucial for healthy nutrition and satisfying weight loss. For starters, the two most important meals of the day are breakfast and dinner. These two meals are the jump start and hibernating factors of your fat storing or burning metabolism. Eating a big breakfast will ensure you are burning calories all day while elevating your metabolism as much as possible without exercise. Dinner is the hibernating factor as it should be your last meal of the day and I might want to add that it should be your smallest one as well.

You have two choices on what your dinner will do for you. If you eat a low carb, low fat, and high protein meal equaling in fewer calories, your metabolism will most likely burn fat throughout the night while you are sleeping. If you eat a high carb and calorie dinner your metabolism will do it’s best to try burning all those calories you just ate but most often they will go straight to your fat storages.

So are you having your body turning your food you ate during the day to fat while you sleep? I am pretty sure this is not what you want so force your body to burn fat all day and all night long.
Not Eating Enough
Not eating enough calories will decrease the amount of calories your body burns during the day by itself which also indicated having a sluggish metabolism. Personally, when someone tells me they want to lose weight while only eating 1200 calorie or less per day, it automatically has me saying in my head that it is a sure-fire way to ensure that they don't lose a pound and pack on more than when you started. Determining the right amount of calories to consume for weight loss is very important, and is the most effective method for losing weight for the long term.

Exercise Is Not Efficient
I don’t like to step on anybody’s feet on this section but most people don’t know how to exercise that will actually give them satisfying results. I love to see people walking around town with friends and family or doing lap swim at the city pool as they are having fun while exercising. On the other hand; if their goal is to lose weight as fast as possible, than just walking is not effective enough for their desired results.

I’m not saying you have to go through hell but a little intensity is the key for success. Besides encouraging you to increase the physical activity in your daily life, your workouts should consist of weight training and cardio together.

Depending if you are going to workout 3, 4, 5, etc. days in a week, remember that you only have to be in the gym no longer than hour when you increase your intensity. Some simple tips for increasing your intensity are super sets in the weight room to lift more in less time. Another tip is lifting the appropriate weight, so if your going to lift around 15-20 reps than your muscle should be burning between 15-20. Keep shorter rest periods as this will keep your heart rate up, and your fat burning accelerated.

There is so much more you can do to get the most out of your workouts, and if you want the best results I recommend the #1 natural bodybuilder Tom Venuto's book, “Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.”

Diet Is Not Efficient
Even if you take the time by motivating yourself to increase your exercise intensity and frequency, you must consider cleaning up your diet as nutrition is 80% responsible for losing weight. Healthy eating consist of eating balanced meals, eating the right portions at the right times, and one of the most important, having the right foods at the right times.

Some simple tips you hear all the time are to consume more fruits and vegetables while making sure to eat a heart healthy breakfast to jump start your day. With that, I also recommend increasing daily protein in take as it speed up the metabolism 35% more than carbohydrates and fats, and is less likely to be stored as fat. Another tip that should be followed is to consume enough water during the day to keep your body hydrated and can also help decrease your hunger cravings.

A few tips I am going to leave you with are eating less-processed foods, stick with whole grain carbs, and purchase extra low fat ground beef/steak so the fat in take is not excessive. Your day should consist of more carbs in the morning and decreasing throughout the day till dinner that should be low carb and high protein.

Don’t cut yourself short of your weight loss goals with poor eating.

“Eating clean makes your body adjusts to being lean.”

Too Much Stress
Having too much stress in your life can make weight loss seem impossible and it’s not all your fault. When you are stress your body releases a hormone called cortisol. This stress hormone regulates blood sugar, energy production, inflammation, and healing. Too little of cortisol can leave you fatigue and basically feeling like crap. If that’s not bad enough, if you have to much cortisol your body mobilizes the energy into mostly fat making weight gain every easy. There are many types of form of stress but let me list out some ways to decrease this effect.

• Get enough sleep preferably 6-8 hours
• Eat a balanced diet
• Exercise regularly to relieve stress
• Take 30 minutes and do something relaxing
• Drink mostly water and decrease consumption of caffeinated beverages

We all have every busy lives and stress is one of the things that many people don’t think of when they can’t seem to lose any weight. Life is too short to be stressed out all the time, so give it your best shot and good luck.

08 February 2009

Can Aromatherapy Heal Depression?

Most people who are affected by depression become very flat, lifeless, stressed out and easily agitated. Some individuals even have trouble getting out of the bed. This makes it very difficult to recover or bounce back. The essential oils used in aromatherapy, may help to reverse this by positively affecting the brain. Essential oils can provide an emotional lift and help to alleviate some of the tension and anxiety associated with depression.

Some common essential oils that are believed to help chase away the blues include: Geranium, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Rose, Peppermint and Ylang Ylang.

Although counseling and medication have been the mainstays in the fight against depression, there are many side effects associated with pharmaceutical meds and many people stay in counseling for years without any significant progress. Others do experience relief using these methods and that is great. However, there are groups of individuals who would rather not use pharmaceutical drugs to cure their depression, or may be simply looking to supplement their drug regimen. They may be interested in experimenting with natural remedies. Aromatherapy gives them that option. It can be added as an additional tool in the fight against depression. To increase the effectiveness of this approach, changes in diet, physical activity, and supplementation can really help to multiply the effects of aromatherapy.

A 17th century herbalist by the name of John Gerard, believed that clary sage was good to use when individuals were suffering from mental tiredness, depression and other mental disorders. Today, many aromatherapists tend to agree. According to research conducted at the International Flavors and Fragrances in New Jersey, fragrances of orange are also believed to be helpful in reducing anxiety

Aromatherapy is generally more effective in people who are only having mild bouts of depression, and that either do not require medication or who are being weaned off of it. . This is because there is no threat of dangerous drug interactions. Now while aromatherapy can be very helpful, it is important that one doesn’t suddenly stop using their medications. This could potentially be quite dangerous. It is vital that one works closely with their doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist, so that they can safely create an effective game plan to be weaned off prescribed medications as a health professional sees fit.

Probably the most effective forms of aromatherapy to treat depression are bath and massage oils. These allow you take advantage of both your sense of touch and smell. Aromatherapy is a fantastic way for individuals to treat mild depression. Lavender, geranium, rose and peppermint are some of the very best essential oils to use when one has the prolonged blues.

07 February 2009

Hair Loss Natural Treatment

Thinning hair, hair loss and especially baldness are stressful and traumatic issues for men as they grow older. At least 50% of male population of earth suffers from hair loss problems and this percentage is higher for men in developed world, due to tense life, unhealthy nutrition and pestiferous climate. Moreover, if your father had hair loss then you probably encounter with the same hair condition because “male pattern baldness” is a hereditary disease.

Treating hair loss has interested physicians and scientists through out history and many natural and pharmaceutical cures has been proposed. Recently, medical researches have finally proved the overall cause of hair loss. An androgenic hormone (named dihydrotestosterone or DHT) gradually increases in the receptors at hair follicles as men grow up and as a result, hair follicles shrink, hair becomes thinner, progressively falls and eventually no new healthy hair grows.

The understanding of the cause of hair loss does not mean that there has been success in discovery of hair loss treatment. Many pharmaceutical, beauty products and natural remedies “promise” to improve hair health but nothing can be considered as panacea. Below there are some natural treatment (some have been used for centuries) that concern hair loss. Of course, treating hair loss may last long and therefore you should be patient and determined. You will not see a new head full of hair after just one or two treatments Nevertheless, repeated use will probably offer you a better looking, healthier and fuller hair.

A widely used home remedy is with use of herb Aloe Vera. It is believed that by rubbing your head with leafs of Aloe Vera, you achieved balanced scalp’s Ph, improved circulation to the area and stimulated hair follicles able to provide new healthy hair.

Another popular treatment with essential oils suggests before going to bed, to apply to head a blend composed of 4 essential oils and 1 vegetable oil: 2 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of thyme oil and 2 of cedarwood oil based in 50 ml of jojoba vegetable oil. After applying, massage your scalp for half an hour or more, in order the blend to have the time to take action and then give it a rinse. If you are not experienced with aromatherapy blends, you can benefit from essential oils by just adding 4 drops of bay oil to your normal shampoo.

Finally, follow these everyday advices for stronger and healthier hair. After shampooing your hair, you dry it naturally or use a hairdryer. Remember that you should never rub or wring your hair with a towel to dry it. This will damage the brittle and breakable hair. You can also wrap a large and thick towel around your hair and wait until the towel absorb the water. Moreover, if you choose the hairdryer solution, do not overdo with it, because too hot or too much drying leads to undesirable results. Additionally, keep in mind that sleeping in a tight braid can cause hair breakage or loss of hair over time.

06 February 2009

What is Insomnia?

Many adults have suffered from symptoms of insomnia at one point in their life. As many as 30-40% of adults surveyed report symptoms of insomnia over the period of a year; however, less than 10% of people actually have chronic insomnia. Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person has difficulty falling asleep and/or maintaining sleep through out the night. Loss of sleep can be caused by multiple factors like stress, depression or life event changes. Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder that can be diagnosed and treated. Women and the elderly are the most common targets of this disorder. There are two types of insomnia, primary and secondary.

The causes of primary insomnia are environmental influences that a person may encounter and are not related to other health conditions. In contrast, secondary insomnia is related to other issues such as health conditions, chronic pain, medication or other substances one is consuming, like alcohol.

Causes of insomnia…

Insomnia can also be classified by the amount of time one is affected by it. Acute insomnia is a short-term ordeal, where difficulty sleeping is sporadic, or may last for only a few weeks. However, chronic insomnia is long-term. Chronic insomnia is distinguished by being unable to sleep for at least three nights per week, and can last for a month or longer.
The causes of acute insomnia are most often related to irregular conditions in a person’s day-to-day life experiences. Significant stress from life like loss of a loved one, loosing a job or divorce can cause trouble sleeping. Illness, physical strain or medications may disrupt a person’s sleep cycle for a period of time as well. Some medications for colds, allergies or depression can act as stimulants. If this is the case, speak with your health care provider to find an alternative that will not disrupt your sleep. Other environmental influences can cause sleep disruption as well, like light, noise or temperature. In today’s modern society, working “swing shifts”, a night shift or jet lag also commonly cause sleep cycle disruptions.

Chronic insomnia is related to other underlying conditions such as depression or anxiety, pain or discomfort during the night or chronic stress. If the trouble sleeping is related to a medical condition, it is imperative that the medical condition is addressed. Loss of sleep while ill may lead to decreased ability to recover from an illness. In addition, treating the medical condition causing ones insomnia will most often relieve the symptoms of insomnia.

Signs and Symptoms…

There are various signs and symptoms of insomnia. Commonly sufferers of insomnia report the inability to fall asleep, waking during the night, failure to return to sleep after waking or waking up too early in the morning. Unrefreshed rest resulting from a pattern of sleep difficulties may cause significant daytime sleepiness and general fatigue. These symptoms can lead to irritability, problems concentrating or memory problems. Insomnia is one of the leading causes of absenteeism from work and decreased productivity while at work. Fatigue and tiredness may leave a person feeling drained at the end of the day, which can also negatively influence their quality of life while at home.

Women specifically can suffer from insomnia due to fluctuating hormone levels at specific points in their life cycle. Sleeplessness may be caused by menopause, menstruation and pregnancy.

Steps to insure sleep…

A person can make several helpful choices to encourage a restful night of sleep. The first and most basic being listen to ones own “internal clock”. A person’s sleep-wake cycle is regulated by ones own Circadian Rhythm, which is a portion of the body’s “internal clock”. When a person begins a new sleep pattern, the body’s sleep clock is still on its original schedule and wants to sleep at its preprogrammed time. This is the most basic reason why a person still feels tired even though they are unable to sleep. If a person is having trouble sleeping, there are steps that can be taken to promote a restful night. Some basic sleep hygiene steps (steps to promote sleep) are:

* Sleep at the same time every night, including weekends. At the same time, ensure you are getting the proper amount of sleep that your body desires.
* Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that may keep you awake. Alcohol, although it can make a person feel sleepy, can also reduce sleep quality leaving one feeling unrested in the morning.
* Get regular exercise, studies show exercise may reduce stress. However, do not exercise with in 3-4 hours before bed.
* Avoid heavy meals before bedtime. However, if you are hungry, a light snack before bed may actually help you sleep.
* Make sure your bedroom and bed are comfortable. Keep your sleep environment dark, quiet and at a comfortable temperature, not too cool, not too warm. If light is a problem, try black out curtains or a sleep mask, if noise is a problem, try a white noise machine, a fan or ear plugs.
* Have a time to relax before bed. Reading a book or taking a bath may promote relaxation.
* Do not use the bedroom for anything other than sleep or sex :).
* If a person feels unable to sleep and does not feel drowsy, get up. Engage in something that is relaxing like reading or listening to music.
* While in bed if one finds their mind flooded with tomorrows “to do list”, make a list before bed. This way ones thoughts will not constantly replay what needs to be accomplished the next day.


Insomnia can be difficult to diagnose because of differentiations in individual sleep patterns and reported levels of fatigue. If you feel you suffer from insomnia, see your health care professional. The initial evaluation may include a physical exam and questions about your medical history. To determine the level of sleeplessness you are experiencing, your health care provider may ask you several questions, like how long the symptoms last, weather or not you snore, or if the symptoms occur every night. A health care professional may also ask a person to start a sleep diary so one can record the events as they happen. Currently there is also a short survey available to health care providers which is designed to evaluate the level of daytime sleepiness and sleep-wake patterns; this will assist in determining how severe ones insomnia may be. If a health care provider thinks it is necessary, they may refer one to a sleep disorder clinic for further diagnosis or treatment.


There are several different treatment options for insomnia. A person working with their health care provider can decide on what is the most appropriate course of action to take. The course of treatment will be based on what is keeping a person from experiencing the level of sleep their body specifically needs. A health care provider may suggest behavior modification, like creating an environment that is conducive to relaxation and sleeping. Another option may be to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. Exercise during the day may also be recommended, as it does reduce stress and promotes a deeper level of sleep.
Sleep Hygiene Tips

As an alternate option, a health care provider may prescribe a medication. Currently there are several medications available for treatment of insomnia. These medications, called hypnotics, are prescribed when the cause of insomnia has been determined and other appropriate therapy options have been explored. A heath care provider will determine, based on your medical history, your current medical condition and your level of insomnia, if hypnotics are right for treatment. Hypnotics carry out their chemical task on specific sleep related areas of the brain. Hypnotics do induce sleep and some activate the ability to stay asleep through the night. There are side effects from hypnotics, as with any drug. Before starting a regimen of medication, talk to a health care provider about any side effects like morning headaches, sleepwalking or dependency.