18 July 2011

Kidney Stones - The Different Risk Factors and Causes You Need to Know

It is well known how debilitating kidney stones symptoms can be. The exact composition of kidney stones will vary depending on the cause. This condition is still a partial mystery since not every type of stone is known regarding cause.

There is great value in becoming aware of what can happen so you will be able to prevent their formation. Rather than talking about what is not completely understood, instead we will focus on what researchers have uncovered.

Research suggests that people who live in warm and humid climates are more prone to kidney stones that those who live in cooler regions. This is merely a correlation that has a statistical basis, so nothing is set in stone about this.

Implications for hotter climates is that tendencies toward dehydration may contribute. There are lots of other reasons why you need to be hydrated, and so this is one more good reason. Family history and significantly overweight conditions will also increase your chances. Aside from calcium stones, another type that some people have are the uric acid variety. This type of stone occurs when you have too much uric acid in your urine. Dehydration, as well as eating a lot of protein may make you susceptible to this variety of kidney stones. Uric acid stones are also more common in people who have suffered from gout. People with diabetes, especially the Type 2 variety, are also at risk for uric acid stones. These are some of the factors that can make kidney stones of this type more likely, so if any of these apply to you, pay attention to your diet and ask your doctor for advice on how to minimize your risk.

If you have any sort of metabolic disorder like an imbalanced thyroid or Cushing's syndrome, you are more likely to develop kidney stones. The body's parathyroid gland helps to regulate the calcium levels in your body so when it gets out of balance, like in people who suffer from hyperparathyroidism, you could wind up having problems with calcium deposits. Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder that occurs when the body has too much of the hormone cortisol. If you have been diagnosed with this disorder you will be given medication to control it. The disorder can also be treated with some simple surgeries (which are also helpful in preventing the development of kidney stones).

Some types of kidney stone can be understood, but not all cases have a clear reason for happening. The reasons you may develop this problem will depend on the type of kidney stones you have, as some varieties are more likely to be caused by diet whereas others can be caused by bacteria. So all you can do is implement and do what you know can help, but that is still a lot.

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