All people suffer from feeling insecure about certain body features that they have. Some people complain about the way their chin looks. You are a good candidate for this procedure if you have a weak chin, have working teeth and jaw, has some excess soft tissues that can be use when additional chin volume is needed, is in good mental as well as physical health and a non smoker to boot. As a potential chin implant patient you need to be realistic about your chin augmentation procedure. You also must be at least 18 years old.
You need to educate yourself and make a good choice as to which surgeon will perform the surgery on you. Bring along photos of someone who you admire that has a good chin to give your surgeon an idea whether that kind of chin is appropriate for you. The technique use on how your chin implant will be inserted can help you gauge if there will be less scarring after the surgery. Once the implants are properly inserted they will be screwed or glued into place. The next step would be to suture the incisions. The surgery itself does not last that long only about an hour or less. A Brazilian butt lift, on the other hand, uses one's own body in a procedure referred to as an autologous fat transfer and this plastic surgery is less complicated compare to others.
Local anesthesia is usually use for this type of surgery. Some doctors use an alternative to chin implants which is chin advancement. Rather than inserting a chin implant, the present chin is made straighter or cut into shape. Talk to your doctor about this so that you will have better options and that you can make a choice that will make you happy. There are certain risks that each procedure carries with it. One of the biggest worries that a doctor and patient have to wonder about is whether the chin implant will shift or not.
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