19 November 2010

Surviving the 2010 Ragweed Season

Ragweed season in the U.S. is from mid-August and late October. This autumn will bring one of the worst allergy up to speed. The culprit is ragweed that causes hay fever pollen. The 2010 season is upon us, and 36 million Americans who suffer from ragweed allergy may be one of the worst. Ambrosia belongs to the sunflower family. ragweed pollen in the male body is the final allergen. Each ragweed plant produces one billion pollen grains of each season and these small grains to travel 400 miles, finally, because they are very light. There are seven steps you can help make the ragweed season bearable: 1) Start your allergy medication is now, more allergist to recommend the drug allergy symptoms before they begin to be proactive. 2) Keep doors and windows closed in your home and car, which limits the exchange of outside air. Run the air conditioner to reduce humidity and filter the air. 3) Change the air filters on a weekly basis during the allergy season to keep the air filter clean as possible. If you are allergic to remember to ask someone who does not remove and dispose of the filter you.Whole House Air Cleaner 4) Install the whole house air purifier whole house air purifiers can be installed in your home air conditioning system and the heating. This air filter removes up to 99.9% without the pollen. They can provide real relief of allergy symptoms. Talk to a local entrepreneur free estimate air conditioning. 5) Wash pets that spend time outdoors can monitor pollen fur on their feet. Regular bathing helps reduce the carrying pollen into the house. 6) Save yard work for the days of low pollen, be aware of the daily amount of pollen, and avoid doing outdoor work in extreme pollen count days. 7) Use a face If you are outdoors, especially in the mood to use the pollen mask. There is no way to completely eliminate ragweed allergies, but a little 'recklessly, you can make it more bearable.

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