15 October 2011

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Not many people are aware of what krill oil is due to the fact that its popularity is overshadowed by fish oil. However, both supplements actually contain omega 3 fatty acids which is good for a person's health. Krill oil is currently being sold in capsule form.

The oil is derived from creatures found in the ocean, the Krill, which are closely related to the shrimp. The krill eats algae containing antioxidants, therefore effectively transferring this trait to them. What's unique about the astaxanthin isthat it is not limited by the blood-brain barrier. Of course, krill oil is not merely limited to these advantages. Following are other health conditions that maybe alleviated using krill oil.

Healthy Brain

With the help of the antioxidant astaxanthin, krill oil manages to cross the blood brain barrier which extends its protection to other parts of the body. This means protection against eye degeneration as well as possible tumor growths in the brain area. Personality disorders, Alzheimers, depression and mood imbalance and other problems may also be prevented using krill oil. Krill oil is seriously advantageous for short and long term healthiness.

Decreases the Likelihood of Premenstrual Syndrome

Studies have also shown that krill oil could prevent the onset of PMS or premenstrual syndrome. Considering how many women are affected by PMS, this is definitely a good thing. Painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea is also something that krill oil can help with.

Loweres Bad Cholesterol

Since krill oil also contains omega 3 fatty acids, it stands to reason that the substance would be useful when it comes to cholesterol levels. It increases good cholesterol while simultaneously decreasing the amount of bad cholesterol. Cholesterol has also been linked to weight retention so intake of the oil could lead to weight loss.

Recent studies have also revealed that intake of krill oil helps people with arthritis. It was shown the oil reduces inflammation as well as other symptoms of arthritis.

100% Unpolluted and Naturally Abundant

What makes krill better than fish is that it is easier for harvesters to get them. The fact that there are billions of krill means that the supply chain has enough for everyone. Krill are also relatively safe as they come from the cleanest body of waters today.

Keep in Mind

Since krill is basically a shrimp-like creature, those who are allergic to shellfish may not find this supplement a good addition to their diet. Intake of the oil along with blood thinning drugs is also not advisable. For this reason, asking the doctor about krill oil before actual intake would be a good idea.

With all their health advantages, the intake of krill oil by a lot of people is not really a surprise anymore.

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