13 December 2011

Irvine Chiropractors Identifies Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

In this last chapter of our Fibromyalgia collection, the relation between Fibromyalgia and biochemical health will be explored. By dealing with so many fibromyalgia cases, improvements on the symptoms of fibromyalgia were significant with the treatment of the body's pH sale and hormone levels. There are various physiological signs of fibromyalgia that indicates the causes of fibromyalgia.

Let's begin by studying the connection between the pH level of the patient and influence it has over FMS. A human body is full of chemical like what you would expect to see in a laboratory. We are alive and also breathing at this time as a result of our own complex nervous system aside from the foods we eat and drink. Food and drinks are like fuel for our body and when it is mixed with oxygen that we breathe in with our lungs, chemical reactions will take place inside our body. The products that are left are the carbon dioxide or CO2, water or H2O and also ash substances. If you think about it, our body is acting like a car but what we put into cars are petrol and gas. However, the specific question is... How the ash substance is disposed from our body? What does it do to our health? Well, the answer depends on whether this ash substance is acid or alkaline, acidic or basic.

In what way will our body react if the result is acid or alkaline? What specifically is PH? In this scenario, the pH is no ordinary pH that we can measure in water In science, pH stands for 'potential hydrogen'. The better the pH, the better our health is. The pH levels that we can count are from 0-14. The pH scale is used to determine if the substance is more acidic or alkaline. The number 0 indicates complete acidity and 14 indicates complete alkalinity. If the scale is at the number 7, it means neutral. When we discuss the actual pH of the body, we all suggest the particular pH of the fluids inside and outside your cells, your "internal environment". Therefore, by using this scale, the potential health of someone can be measured by testing the pH level of the cells in someone's body.

The pH level can be obtained by testing the saliva of a patient. With this, we can find out whether he is more to acid or alkaline by reading the pH scale. For a healthy person, the pH level will be slightly in the alkaline side of the scale. The origins of fibromyalgia clearly shows that.

Normally, the pH level is tested through your urine or saliva by using a pH scale strip. You can purchase them easily from pharmacies. You will know your result by looking at the color of the strip. It will tell you accordingly which level of pH your body is in with specific color indicators.

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