23 December 2011

Understanding How To Contend With Your Allergies And Hay Fever

The reactions that your body has toward some things are what activates your allergies or hay fever, but many individuals do not know exactly why this happens. The simple truth is that when a person has an allergy, such as hay fever, such things as ragweed and pollen will cause your system to release antibodies to fight off these things. Nevertheless, the reason why you start having a runny nose and itchy eyes, is simply because your body is releasing just too many antibodies, and the antibodies begin attacking your own bodies tissue, and that is precisely what causes these issues. Here we are going to be discussing a few of the actions you can take in order to alleviate a number of these symptoms so you can stop suffering. For more information: green super foods

You're going to find that one of the most popular ways to deal with hay fever as well as allergies is by taking medications prescribed by a doctor. While these prescription drugs will help, you are going to discover that the relief is going to be temporary, and these medications can also have negative side effects on your health. While I personally don't like taking these sorts of medications, there are folks who not only don't mind taking these medications but in fact require them in order to live a normal life. Nevertheless you will find that there are natural ways to deal with your allergies and hay fever without prescription medicine.

One thing that's been used for a long time is Cayenne pepper, and this is actually a great way for you to deal with the symptoms of your a fever. The best thing about Cayenne pepper is that it is actually an all natural spice that men and women use in a number of different dishes. If you have not used this spice before you ought to comprehend that it can be extremely spicy for some folks. Nevertheless you will see that the vitamins and minerals which can be discovered in Cayenne pepper can help alleviate the symptoms of your hay fever.

One more thing you will see that will be able to help you together with your allergies are green onions. And exactly like the Cayenne pepper, green onions will also possess vitamins and minerals needed to handle a allergy symptoms. The one thing you may possibly want to try out is making green onion soup together with Cayenne pepper. Although this soup could wind up tasting extremely hot to your taste buds, you will find that by utilizing the two of these ingredients together you will have a much better chance of dealing with your allergies. Obviously if you do wind up giving this soup a try you might want to keep a nice cold glass of milk nearby.

Although the suggestions above aren't going to work for everybody to help them deal with their hay fever along with other allergies, you will probably find it's a good option for you. For people who do try this and realize that it does not give you the relief you are trying to find, the Internet is loaded with all natural cures if you wish to take the time and try and locate them. I should also mention that these two ingredients that we talked about on this page can not only help reduce allergy symptoms, however they can have other added health benefits.

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