01 March 2012

How Flavored Electronic Cigarettes Can Help You Give Up Smoking

It is well known that cigarettes pose a serious threat to health. They are a leading cause of mouth cancer, lung cancer, and throat cancer, and a contributing factor to strokes and heart attacks. It is estimated that 70% of those who currently smoke want to quit. If you are one of those who are trying to stop smoking then you could consider switching to an electronic cigarette and e-liquid. These products are a healthier alternative to tobacco.

The electronic cigarette is used to heat up nicotine liquid into a vapor which acts like smoke. They look like a slightly longer version of the real thing, and some even have an LED light on the end to make them appear lit. However, they are far better for your health because the vapor they create from e-liquids does not contain any tar or carbon monoxide. They have been developed to be convenient, rechargeable, and simple to use.

There are many products available to help you quit. Gums, patches, lozenges, and nasal sprays are all common nicotine replacements. However, an e-cigarette provides more than just nicotine. They fully reproduce the taste, appearance, and sensations of smoking. They can easily become a complete substitute. This can be helpful if you are struggling to break the habit.

The e-liquid comes with a range of different nicotine contents. The amount you take is fully controllable, and you can decrease it gradually over time if you are aiming to become less dependent. 0-36mg of nicotine is the range offered by most brands, and it is usually expressed by manufacturers as extra high, high, midrange, low, and zero. You will normally find the exact amount written on the side of the packet.

Many people actually come to prefer e-cigarettes over traditional smoking. They do not give off any unpleasant odors or leave stains on teeth or clothes. It is legal in most countries to use them in public places like offices, restaurants, pubs, and clubs. Even though some brands have a high initial cost, in the long run they are up to 80% less expensive. This is mainly because the e-liquid cartridges can be reused up to 40 times.

There is a wide variety of flavours to choose. The most commonly chosen is original tobacco flavor, which can even be made to resemble the taste of a specific brand of tobacco. Cherry, apple, menthol, coffee, and vanilla flavours are all widely available depending on which company you buy from. Some companies offer more diverse e-liquids including tutti-frutti, caramel mocha, cheesecake, mungbean, and red wine flavor.

These products are generally considered to be a far less harmful way to smoke; however, their nicotine content means that they could have some negative effects on your health. They are such a recent invention that there have been few studies into their possible side effects. For this reason they are not available to people below the age of 18 in most countries.

E-cigarettes and e-liquid can be an immensely helpful tool in the battle to give up smoking. They are a convenient and gradual way of quitting. Contact your doctor if you would like to stop smoking for additional information on support in your area.

1 comment:

  1. My dad's a sucker for black forest and English toffee. He's really into the electronic cigarette now because of these e-juices.
