28 June 2011

Sleeping disorders

Sleep is a vital component of our daily lives. Proper sleep freshens up the mind and relaxes the body, which helps a person carry out his daily activities without any issues.However, considering today's stressful work environments and fast lifestyle, many people have now begun complaining about sleep disorders.Sleeping disorders can be related purely to the mental state of mind, and in some cases depend on the physical body state.It is vital to understand such sleeping disorders and cure them at the earliest to maintain a steady and healthy lifestyle.Sleeping disorders hamper emotional and mental functionality, and also result in lack of sleep and disturbance of daily schedule.

One of the most deadly sleeping disorders is sleep apnea.Sleep apnea results in abnormal pauses while breathing naturally at the time of sleep.The breathing pauses may last from a few seconds to minutes in some cases, and can occur from 5 to 20 times an hour.The unfortunate part here is the fact that the person does not realize quickly that he or she is suffering from sleep apnea. If multiple breathing cycles are missed continuously, it could result in death in rare cases.Daytime fatigue, lack of reactivity, vision issue, memory and brain malfunctioning, etc. are also outcomes of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is primarily caused by airway blockage that occurs when the soft tissue at the back of the throat tends to relax during sleep time.Sleep apnea is also characterized by abnormal loud snoring.Because of breakage in natural sleep rhythm, person tends to spend more time in light sleep as compared to deep sleep.A proper medical consultant must be employed on an immediate basis to cure sleep apnea.Self help treatments for sleep apnea include giving up alcohol, quit smoking, losing weight, avoiding caffeine and heavy meals, and maintaining fixed sleeping hours.

A device known as Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure (CPAP) can be used as a medical treatment to cure sleep apnea.This device is similar to a mask that maintains a steady air flow at the time of sleep keeping the breathing passages open.Insomnia, somniphobia - fear of sleep, sleep walking, night terror, etc. are some of the common sleeping disorders other than sleep apnea.

Natural sleeping aids are the best resort to cure sleep deprivation and sleeping disorders.Yoga and meditation are good relaxation techniques that help relaxes the mind and ensure a peaceful sleep.Visualization, or imagining peaceful scenery such as tropical beach, sunset, etc. is another popular technique to ensure sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and meaningful post, thanks for telling about sleeping disorders. Great work
