27 September 2011

Is it Okay to Eliminate Warts at Home?

If you have warts, you can treat them at home yourself using a wide variety of remedies (click the following link: www.mole-wart-removal-guide.com/wart-treatment to learn how). Wart remover products are sold at almost every neighborhood pharmacy. They often consist of salicylic acid.

The directions for the aforementioned products are as goes: Apply a small amount on the wart. Then, you should cover the area with something. These first two steps don't necessarily have to be done separately. Meaning, you may be able to obtain adhesive patches that have been soaked in salicylic acid.

With either type of product, it's important to use it each day for maximum results. Treatment time can vary from individual to individual with this method, however you should begin to see positive results in a matter of weeks.

Next, you may have also heard of the wart freezing products. These freezing substances work by killing the skin cells, and this later causes the wart to slough off on its own eventually.

The freezing process is better suited for some warts more so than others. Big warts are more difficult to freeze thoroughly, at least as it pertains to the over-the-counter removal kits. Regardless, you'll know if you've done everything correctly if your wart(s) starts to slough off a few days later.

It's worth mentioning, commercial wart removal products aren't the only way you can get rid of warts yourself. For instance, duct tape, dandelion, and aloe vera have all proven to be great remedies for eliminating warts.

Like I said before, do-it-yourself wart removal methods perform very well in most cases, but what can be done if they don't seem to be working? Simple, you should see your dermatologist. Your doctor could use prescription medication or a medical procedure to eliminate your wart.

Several wart prescription medications contain salicylic acid, which as you may recall, is the same active ingredient in the over the counter medications. But, prescription wart medications can typically succeed where other drugs have failed.

If you're looking for immediate results, then your dermatologist may recommend cryotherapy, which freezes the wart with liquid nitrogen in the same way as described previously.

The last resort doctors use to remove warts is surgery. In particular, the two surgical procedures used most often are laser and electro-surgery. Both of these procedures use high degrees of heat to cauterize (burn) the wart.

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