24 September 2011

Things to know about Low White Blood cell count

Low White Blood Cell Count

It is a very well known fact that our body is actually made out of more than seventy percent water and that to that percentage, our blood contributes to a lot. There are many compounds that are to be found into the blood, numbering different types of cells and also plasma. The blood in our system is actually very much useful when it comes to having the nutrients, the vitamins and also the minerals distributed in our body. Also, when people are struggling with infections, the blood will react to them and distribute the necessary elements in order to combat those infections.

Mainly, there are two major types of cells that make up the blood and they number the white and also the red cells. So when you are dealing with a cold for example, the cells that will react to the pathogens are actually your white cells and they will do anything in order to get those pathogens removed.

So, if you are an individual that has no problems when it comes to your health, the total number of white cells in your body will stack up between four thousand cubic millimeters and ten thousand cubic millimeters. Even though the white cells are the front line of defense against any type of infection, you should know that they will usually get to die off in just a few days.

If you are a person that is actually coping with a Low White Blood Cell Count, then you could be dealing with leukemia. The drop in the white cells can be related to many diseases, like cancer or liver problems (but in fact they are many more), yet also using antibiotics can be a cause for this drop.

Maybe you will have heard of many Low White Blood Count Causes and you might fear the fact that everything you are doing will actually in the end lead to the decrease of the number of white cells in your body, but you are actually exaggerating. Things are not that dramatic as they maybe sounded when you read about them. Keep in mind that if there is a low number of white cells in your body, you will be more prone to infections.

Dont worry if you have been tagged with Low White Blood Cells, as many drugs on the market will get to help you out with increasing their number.

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