20 September 2011

Making the Decision for Chin Implant Placement

It is true that one of the most important parts of the face is the chin. A strong chin makes a person look younger and more attractive. Chin implants are chosen by patients who do not wish to undergo maxillofacial surgery to have their jaw broken and reset. This type of facial implants placement carries less risk than orthognathic facial surgery. Chin implant placement cannot however solve a dental or orthodontic issue of the patient. Chin implants can restructure the face to make it more balance in appearance. This surgical procedure is ideal for a patient who is at least 18 years old.

The procedure can be use for both men and women. A good chin implant can lessen then effects of aging. Other patients can benefit from a slimmer chin when a chin implant placement is conducted with a liposuction method removing the fat under the neck and chin. The procedure in itself last for an hour or so. Recovery is fast, which is about two weeks from the time of the surgery. The process starts with the surgeon making small incisions under the chin. An external method of chin implant placement is better than making an incision through the mouth since that produces a higher risk of infection. A Brazilian butt lift, on the other hand, uses one's own body in a procedure referred to as an autologous fat transfer and this plastic surgery is less complicated compare to others.

Some patients may not be aware of this but that the size of the nose to the chin can create imbalance to the face. Because of the complexity of the procedure you need an expert surgeon who specializes in this procedure. Surgeons have plenty of available options in choosing which material to use on you. There are advantages of using silastic implants for chin augmentation since they have gives the patient a better advantage than the use of other materials as implants for their chin.

1 comment:

  1. Chin augmentation is a popular procedure because it’s a relatively easy operation for the patient while producing noticeable changes
    Neha Verma
