23 January 2012

Why You Need To Understand The Common Symptoms Of A Thyroid Problem

The thyroid disorder that afflicts most people, and is most common, is hypothyroidism. If you have this disorder, you are missing thyroid hormone. This leads to a variety of symptoms. If this problem isn't diagnosed and treated, it can be serious, as it affects your metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure and other factors. We will discuss some of the most common symptoms of thyroid disorder so it will be easier for you to identify if you suffer from this problem. The awareness of such symptoms will not merely save your life but money as well on overpriced treatments, just like my aunt did. If not for these several guidelines, she might had undergone an operation which may use up her savings from her ultrasound salary.

A prominent symptom or two of hypothyroidism is muscle cramping and numbness, something indicative of this condition. Joint aches, along with sore knees, may be reflective of this ailment. In many cases, the symptoms overlap with those of other conditions such as arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. So when it comes time for a diagnosis, it is very possible that the similarity of these two conditions may overlap so much that a diagnosis may be made incorrectly. If you are on any type of medication to help with your muscles or arthritis, it may actually cause thyroid problems to occur. Sadly, it is possible to develop arthritis anyway if you do not treat your hypothyroidism because autoimmune diseases can take hold without a healthy thyroid! The bottom line is that you need to get your thyroid checked out thoroughly if you have excessive muscle and joint pain. Some few training seminars that I've went to before at different ultrasound technician schools made me recognize how important it is to pay attention to thyroid problems before it's too late. Many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism have to do with the slowing down of your metabolism. This can include a slowed pulse. Everybody has a unique pulse rate and, most of the time, people are trying to figure out how to slow down their heart rates. The majority of health issues out there will force your pulse rate to get faster. The truth is, though, that abnormally slowed down heart rates aren't healthy but they can happen when a person suffers from hypothyroidism. It can make your blood pressure decrease. Most of the time we consider lower blood pressure rates to be healthier so it might not be something that raises a red flag for you. Still, any change in heart rate or blood pressure, when it is abrupt, should cause some concern. The slowing down of your metabolism can cause you to feel unnaturally cold, even if the temperature of where you are is hot.

If your thyroid gland begins to expand, your neck will also. This condition is called goiter and is indicative of having hypothyroidism. It is possible to develop what appear to be swollen eyes, and cheeks, with this occurring. Your voice could also go out, or at least be very raspy or hoarse. Usually, if you have enough iodized salt in your diet, you will be fine. Some countries do not have this and goiter is a common condition. Whether you are looking at an overproduction, or an under-production, of thyroid hormones, the symptoms will be similar. A trip to your doctor would be advisable if you think you have goiter so that you can take care of it before it gets out of hand. The cure literally is to have thyroid medication that can reduce the size of your thyroid and remove the goiter issue. As we've seen, hypothyroidism can be a tricky condition to identify. So many symptoms are attributed to thyroid problems that it takes quite a few of them to make a diagnosis that is correct. Many of the symptoms for a thyroid disorder are also attributed to other conditions. Some of the symptoms include muscle pain and weight gain. After you have gone to your family physician, and they have diagnosed you with hypothyroidism, only then will you know that you truly have this thyroid disorder.

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